Or you could watch this...
Yeah that would probably be me :)
C Block Criminology 12 - I'll give you a few notes on the question: Where does violence come from? We'll look at personal traits, ineffective families, evolutionary factors, exposure to violence, cultural values, substance abuse, and firearm availability. After, for the rest of the block you need to work on yesterday's questions:
- What is the attraction of violent films and video games?
- Is there more violent imagery in media now as opposed to the past (think graphic, realistic visceral)? Why / Why not?
- What kinds of people are drawn to violent imagery and what kind of violent images draw them to that form of entertainment?
- What is “morbid curiosity”?
- Are there any equally satisfying substitutions for violent entertainment?
- What draws our attention to violent media events (news) that are not intended to entertain?
A Block Social Studies 10 - Today we are going to review 4000 years of "human history" in 25 minutes...strap on your seat belts family! We are doing this to get us up to speed on the early 19th Century in Canada.
From grade 9 I hope you remember the "Seven Years War" (also known as the "French and Indian War" in the U.S.A. and "La Guerre de la ConquĂȘte" in Quebec). I hope you remember the impact of the Treaty of Paris in 1763 on "British North America", the effects of the Quebec Act of 1774, and the American War of Independence. I hope you remember the United Empire Loyalists and the creation of Upper Canada in 1791. Lastly I hope you remember Tecumseh, Brock, Secord and the War of 1812.
In case you forgot, here are some websites to help refresh your memory:
Seven Years War website
War of 1812 website
PBS War of 1812
Canadian Atlas OnLine War of 1812
War of 1812 (Can Geo/Historica/Parks Canada)
United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada
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