A Block Social Studies 10 - Today I'd like you to use all of the geographic work we've looked at, as well as the text, and try to answer the following:
"How has Geography shaped the culture of Canada?"
This is a big question and I really want you to try hard to think like a geographer here. Thinking like a geographer is thinking spatially in a systems manner. This involves looking for patterns, relationships and connections in order to comprehend large, complex self regulating systems. So what patterns, relationships and connections exist between people and places that help to shape Canada today? Use the organizer for question 1 at the end of Chapter 1 in the Horizons text for help.

How do Tsunami’s work (from your week 4 package)? AND...
Why can tsunamis cause such damage and devastation? What are some characteristics of the wave that factor into how much damage it could cause? How do coastal or shoreline features factor into the extent of damage? What role could a warning system play? How effective would a warning system be for the west coast of Vancouver Island? Why?
You can find more information at:
PBS documentary "The Wave that Shook the World"
PEP Tsunami Preparedness website
From Canadian Geographic...
After shock
The devastation of last year's Boxing Day earthquake and tsunami in Southeast Asia offers vital lessons for the west coast of North America
By Jodi Di Menna and Steven Fick
In the year since a massive earthquake and tsunami rocked the Indian Ocean, the question "What if it happens here?" has gained urgency in western North America. The geology of the Cascadia subduction zone off the Pacific coast is so strikingly similar to that of Sumatra that scientists in British Columbia have used data from last year's disaster to refine models of how a megathrust earthquake — on the order of magnitude 9.0 — would affect the province's coast.
"The Sumatran earthquake was the type closest to what we expect in Cascadia," says John Cassidy, a seismologist at Natural Resources Canada in Sidney, B.C. "We set out to learn as much as we could from what occurred in Sumatra so that we could be better prepared when our big one happens."
Geological deposits and coastal First Nations lore indicate that large earthquakes have hit the West Coast every 200 to 800 years, and since the last one shook the region 305 years ago (the article is 10 years old so it is 315 now), scientists believe Cascadia could be ready to rupture at any time. In fact, in September (2005), Vancouver Island slid to the west about the width of a pencil, an event that occurs every 14 months and increases pressure along the fault line. "This slipping motion means we're one step closer to a big earthquake," says Cassidy.
The Sumatran experience gave scientists an idea of what to expect when it does happen. Using information gathered from that event, Cassidy and his colleagues plotted the same pattern of aftershocks and crustal deformation onto a map of the North American coast .
Predictions by computer models were largely confirmed by the Sumatran events, but in some cases, there were unexpected variations. Shaking was stronger than expected and felt farther inland, and the tsunami flooded higher up on shore and with more variation from place to place than scientists had anticipated.

"Educating people to be better prepared is the most important aspect," says Cassidy. "The Boxing Day images were a graphic reminder of what can and likely will happen in the future. The key is to use the information and learn from it."
C Block Criminology 12 - To start the class I'd like to talk about your lists from yesterday and find out why violence is entertainment for some.

Is Bugs Bunny bad for kids? Comedy and violence are intermingled into a typical or formulaic narrative story.....Wile E. Coyote chases the Road Runner, Elmer Fudd chases Bugs Bunny, Sylvester chases Tweety Bird and they inflict carnage on each other. The end is always the same....someone wins, someone loses, the loser is humiliated and we laugh at them (good clean wholesome fun). While we watch the cartoons I want you to think about the implicit and implied messages that each cartoon sends to kids (rather than the explicit and obvious messages) and then we'll talk about what those messages do even if kids understand the difference between cartoon and real violence.
So now compare the violence in the Warner Brothers cartoons (from the 50's and 60's) with that of the Happy Tree Friends. Check out the following video: Happy Tree Friends A to Zoo . Let's be frank here, the cartoon is not meant for children but because of the "cute" characters what would it be like if we just let young children watch that cartoon unsupervised?
Consider the following:
Media Violence: Psychology
Cartoon Violence Project
Gender and Comm. Kids Cartoon Violence
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