Thursday, October 1, 2015

Friday, October 2. 2015

Today's schedule is D-AG-C-B-A

D Block Geography 12 -Today we'll look at the differences between explosive and effusive volcanic eruptions (think silica and gas) and you'll have a big question to look at. We'll finish watching the Raging Planet volcano episode and then I'll show you some footage of the Kilauea eruption (both pahoehoe and aa flows) and the Soufriere Hills volcanic eruption on Montserrat. Monday we will focus on Mount Saint Helens and then we're in the library working on our first project.

For more on the differences between explosive and effusive eruptions see:
National Park Service "Views of National Parks" Volcanic Eruptions and Hazards
San Diego State University "How Volcanoes Work"
Volcano World "Volcanic Gasses"
Science World 2005 "When Mountains Fizz"

C Block Criminology 12 - To start the class, you'll have time to work on your questions that are due today:

  1. What is the attraction of violent films and video games?
  2. Is there more violent imagery in media now as opposed to the past (think graphic, realistic visceral)? Why / Why not?
  3. What kinds of people are drawn to violent imagery and what kind of violent images draw them to that form of entertainment?
  4. What is “morbid curiosity”?
  5. Are there any equally satisfying substitutions for violent entertainment?
  6. What draws our attention to violent media events (news) that are not intended to entertain?
After that we'll discuss murder and homicide. We'll discuss the divisions of murder in Canada (1st and 2nd degree and manslaughter), the extent of murder in Canada, and murderous relations (acquaintance and stranger homicide). Remember we talked about Tori Stafford last week (when we talked about victims)? Today we'll watch a Global News 16x9 episode called "Road to Murder: How Terri-Lynne McClintic became a killer"

A Block Social Studies 10 - Today we'll finish up the grade 9 Social Studies review that we began in yesterday's class. From grade 9 I hope you remember the "Seven Years War" (also known as the "French and Indian War" in the U.S.A. and "La Guerre de la Conquête" in Quebec). I hope you remember the impact of the Treaty of Paris in 1763 on "British North America", the effects of the Quebec Act of 1774, and the American War of Independence. I hope you remember the United Empire Loyalists and the creation of Upper Canada in 1791. Lastly I hope you remember Tecumseh, Brock, Secord and the War of 1812. In case you forgot, here are some websites to help refresh your memory:
Seven Years War website
War of 1812 website
PBS War of 1812
Canadian Atlas OnLine War of 1812
War of 1812 (Can Geo/Historica/Parks Canada)
United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada

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