Thursday, November 8, 2012

Friday, November 9. 2012

Today's schedule is D-C-B-A

We have a Remembrance Day assembly today so the block times are altered. The day looks like this:

D Block 9:05 - 10:10
C Block 10:15 - 11:20
Assembly/Lunch 11:25 - 12:45
B Block 12:50 - 2:00
A Block 2:05 - 3:15

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Curry...yesterday, we talked about the state of the rest of the world during the Depression and why there was a rise in dictatorships in Europe. We talked about Mussolini and Stalin, and in today's class, we'll talk about Hitler and his rise to power. We'll do a "wake up, it's Friday!" activity first, and then take some notes and watch a couple of video clips.

C Block Crime, Media & Society 12 - Welcome to Crime Media and Society 12. Today we will go through the course outline package and see what topics we have in store for the next three months. After we finish looking at the outline, I have one question that I'd like you to think about so you can answer it on the collaborize classroom site...Should we be worried about the amount of crime in Canada? This should be done on the Room 611 Collaborize site after you work through the "Getting Started" steps 1 & 2 on the site.
For the rest of the class here's what I'd like to talk about...what are your earliest memories about watching crime on TV? Was it the news, a police proceedural or was it something like this?

B Block Geography 12 - Today we are working on the Medicine Hat Topographic map. You need your Canadian Landscape topographic map book and the Medicine Hat map can be found on pages 40-42. You will need to work on questions 1 a-d, 2 a & b, 3 a-e, and 7 a-d. This work is due next Wednesday and if you wish to work on this activity out of the class (and really who wouldnt?) I would highly suggest you ask me questions ahead of time. You can find topographic maps of Medicine Hat on Google Maps (Type in Medicine Hat Alberta on a Google search and click on maps at the top and then choose "Terrain" as an option). Do not forget that you have a unit final test on Tuesday. Please take all of your marked/corrected work out of the bin in the class and spend some time preparing. Good Luck.

A Block - Law 12 - Today with Ms.'ll have the class to work on your creepy crimes. I'm really looking forward to your presentations!

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