Monday, November 12, 2012

Tuesday, November 13. 2012

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

C Block Crime Media & Society 12 - Today we begin our unit on media literacy. Over the next two weeks we'll look at Mass Media Theories and Media Literacy. Today we'll look at the elements of Media Literacy...two key elements of media literacy are that:

1. Media are constructions - Media products are created by individuals who make conscious and unconscious choices about what to include, what to leave out and how to present what is included. These decisions are based on the creators’ own point of view, which will have been shaped by their opinions, assumptions and biases – as well as media they have been exposed to. As a result of this, media products are never entirely accurate reflections of the real world – even the most objective documentary filmmaker has to decide what footage to use and what to cut, as well as where to put the camera – but we instinctively view many media products as direct representations of what is real.

2. Audiences negotiate meaning - The meaning of any media product is not created solely by its producers but is, instead, a collaboration between them and the audience – which means that different audiences can take away different meanings from the same product. Media literacy encourages us to understand how individual factors, such as age, gender, race and social status affect our interpretations of media.
So today we'll try to come up with some questions and practise critical analysis. I'll have you begin to evaluate your own personal consumption of media and try to figure out all the various forms of media that you consume every day.

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Curry...we'll finish up our discussion on Hitler (I'll show you the last video clip) and then you'll work on a couple of questions from the last few pages in Chapter 4. Afterwards, we'll discuss what's on the quiz. Here's the review sheet that I'll be handing out to you:

Terms, Events and People that you will need to know for the quizzy test you have this week:
Winnipeg General Strike
Person's Case
Balfour Report
Causes of the Depression
Arthur Meighen
William Aberhart
Mackenzie King
King-Byng Crisis
Chanak Affair
League of Nations
Statue of Westminster
Buying on the Margin
Treatment of Minorities in Canada
Unemployment camps
Laissez faire
Residential Schools
Aboriginal Title                    
Jewish Immigration
Ride the Rails
Hitler's Rise to Power

A Block Law 12 - Today with Ms. Curry...I'll give you most of the block to work on your projects. We'll talk about the quiz you'll have this week on Police Investigations.

B Block Geography 12 - Today you have your Gradation Unit Final test. This test will take the whole class to complete and if came prepared then I am certain you will do fine. Relax, breathe, and dazzle me with what you know.

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