Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thursday, September 20. 2012

Today's schedule is D-C-B-A

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today you'll be working with Ms. Curry, looking at different political philosophies, or ‘isms’, and how these theories influence the political spectrum. You'll also look at elections in Canada (including the 2011 Federal election held this past May) specifically focusing on political ideology and the parties that follow specific ideologies. A political ideology deals with goals (how society should work) and methods (how to reach the goals). We'll look at the major political parties in Canada: Liberal, Conservative, New Democratic, Green, and Bloc Quebecois. Well see what their platforms (goals and methods) were/are.

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll look at a Power Point on crime trends and patterns and you'll see that there are 3 ways we collect crime data (UCR, PRVS, Self Report surveys). We'll also look at patterns and see that the crime rate follows the population of young males in society (the more young males the higher the crime rate and vice versa). When we finish, I will have you work on questions 2 and 4 from page 51 in the Criminology: The Core textbook.

B Block Geography 12 - Yesterday we looked at the interior structure of the Earth - specifically focusing on the physical differences between core, mantle and crust. We'll finish taking some notes down in the week 3 package on core, mantle, and crust and then we'll watch the first 30 minutes of the Amazing Planet DVD from National Geographic. You may use the Earth Interior web page or the Dynamic Earth webpage to help with questions 7 & 8 from page 366 of your Geosystems text (answers can be found between pages 334 and 336 of the text). After, we'll discuss the differences between Sial and Sima (continental and oceanic crust) along with figuring out what buoyancy and isostasy are. You'll need to complete question 9 from page 366 of the text (isostasy, isostatic rebound, and crustal equilibrium).

If you need help look at the Geology for Kids web page, the flash animated movie on the Kids Know It network, or the e-notes Isostasty: World of Earth Science page.

A Block Law 12 - Today we will continue our look at the legal rights we have here in Canada. We'll go through sections 7 - 14 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (legal rights section).

We'll look at two cases: Rodriguez v British Columbia (Attorney General), 1993 - which deals with Section 7 of the Charter (life, liberty and security of the person) and R. v. Tessling, 2004 - which deals with Section 8 of the Charter (search and seizure). I'll have you work on the following questions: page 54 q 1-3; page 56 q 1, 2 and 4; and page 60 question 1.

For more information on the fight in Canada for the right to die on one's own terms look at the CBC In Depth site on the Sue Rodriguez case. In 2011, Gloria Taylor from Kelowna filed a case in B.C. Supreme Court to grant her the right to a doctor-assisted suicide. More info on this case can be found here.

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