Thursday, September 20, 2012

Friday, September 21. 2012

Happy last day of Summer. Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B Block Geography 12 - Today we'll finish transferring some notes into our week 3 package on the rock cycle and then we'll focus on igneous rocks and plutonic features. We'll have a diagram to complete and then there will be three questions to work on (12, 13, & 14 from page 366 in your Geosystems textbook). We'll also finish the Amazing Planet DVD on Plate Tectonics...

A Block Law 12 - Yesterday we began to look at legal rights in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (sections 7-9). Today, we'll finish the legal rights section (sections 10 a-d-14) working on the following questions from yesterday: page 54 q 1-3; page 56 q 1, 2 and 4; and page 60 question 1. For the rest of the class we'll be talking about equality and looking at section 15.
From the Website

To prove section 15 has been violated you must show:

•You were treated differently from others because of the law
•The different treatment was because of a reason set out under section 15 (race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability) or an analogous reason (a personal trait like sexual orientation, marital status, or citizenship)
•The different treatment amounts to discrimination under section 15. For example, does the law have the effect of saying the person is less worthy of respect or consideration than other people? Is the person part of a group that has been stereotyped, suffered prejudice or been historically disadvantaged? How does the different treatment relate to the persons circumstances?

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll start by finishing the Prime Minister activity that we started in Wednesday's class. It will be your job to create a job wanted poster / advertisement for the office of Canadian Prime Minister. Included in this will be an explanation of roles and responsibilities (including powers), qualities and characteristics, and experience. For help look at:
Prime Minister of Canada
Canada Online Role of Prime Minister
All Experts Prime Minister of Canada
You'll have the class to work on this "Job Wanted" advertisement for the Prime Minister of Canada. On your wanted ad you will need to include:
  1. Job description (role and powers that the PM has)
  2. Job requirements (expectations and necessary capabilities)
  3. Preferred personal characteristics (choose five qualities of leadership that we discussed and explain what they mean for a PM) and
  4. Symbols (of Canadian identity)
This assignment is due Monday (September 24, 2012) so use your time wisely this weekend.

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll watch the Law & Order: Special Victim's Unit episode "Closure" This episode deals with the short and long-term effects of a sexual assault on a victim.

From "Benson does her best to help a rape victim who is able to describe her attack in perfect detail, yet unable to properly identify her attacker when push comes to shove. When the detectives revisit the case a few months later, they find the woman even less willing to talk about what happened, as she claims she has moved on."

I want you to think hard during this episode and pay careful attention to what happens with Harper's character. What are the short and long term impacts on victims of Crime? Use Harper in the Law & Order episode you watched today and Chapter 3 pages 54-7 in Criminology: The Core textbook to help. This will form the basis of your blog entry on Monday.

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