Sunday, September 23, 2012

Monday, September 24. 2012

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

A Block Law 12 - On Friday I gave you the following questions to work on: page 54 q 1-3; page 56 q 1, 2 and 4; and page 60 question 1. For the rest of the class talking about equality and looking at section 15. From the Website

To prove section 15 has been violated you must show:

•You were treated differently from others because of the law
•The different treatment was because of a reason set out under section 15 (race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability) or an analogous reason (a personal trait like sexual orientation, marital status, or citizenship)
•The different treatment amounts to discrimination under section 15. For example, does the law have the effect of saying the person is less worthy of respect or consideration than other people? Is the person part of a group that has been stereotyped, suffered prejudice or been historically disadvantaged? How does the different treatment relate to the persons circumstances?

We'll examine equality in greater detail today as that leads us to our examination of the BC Human Rights Act tomorrow and the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights as well.

B Block Geography 12 - On Friday we looked at magma, igneous rocks, and plutonic (intrusive) igneous rock features (both concordant and discordant features). Today we will focus on sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. We'll take down a cross section diagram of the geology here in south western British Columbia. We'll collectively define compaction, cementation, recrystallization, clastic sedimentary rock, and non clastic sedimentary rock. We will define contact, regional, and dynamic metamorphosism and you'll have question 15 from page 366 in your Geosystems text for homework.

Check out the Dynamic Earth Interactive Rock Identification site here
Check out the Flash animation of Metamorphic Rock Creation here.

C Block Criminology 12 - Today your journal / blog entry is to post your response to Friday's question:

What are the short and long term impacts on victims of Crime? Use Harper in the Law & Order episode you watched today (Friday) and Chapter 3 pages 54-7 in Criminology: The Core textbook to help.

Next, I'd like you to find an article (news story) about a victim of crime and for that you should outline the impacts of the crime on them. Finally, using the two stories (one fictional and one real) explain what we should do to mitigate (soften the impact) the impacts of crime on victims (be realistic). Don't forget to find stories on crime in Canada check out the Canoe CNews crime archives.

D Block Social Studies 11 - On Friday we worked on the "Job Wanted" advertisement for the Prime Minister of Canada and you'll get some time today to continue with it. On your wanted ad you will need to include:
  1. Job description (role and powers that the PM has)
  2. Job requirements (expectations and necessary capabilities)
  3. Preferred personal characteristics (choose five qualities of leadership that we discussed and explain what they mean for a PM) and
  4. Symbols (of Canadian identity)
This assignment is due Wednesday (September 26, 2012) so use your time wisely this class. After Ms. Curry will work with you on a political parties project connected to what you looked at with her last week in class.


Anonymous said...

Geo Teacher said...

Mahalo Mr. Pollock; I now have you linked to my reading list.