Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday, September 19. 2012

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B Block Geography 12 - OK Lets get this out of the way right now....No the movie the Core is not possible. We do not have the technology to burrow our way to the core of the earth and detonate a nuclear device in order to start the liquid outer core rotating. Today we start with tectonics and the internal structure/composition of the earth. We'll take some notes down in the week 3 package on core, mantle, and crust and then we'll watch the first 20 minutes of the Amazing Planet DVD from National Geographic. You may use the Earth Interior web page or the Dynamic Earth webpage to help with questions 7 & 8 from page 366 of your Geosystems text (answers can be found between pages 334 and 336 of the text).
Use this diagram for your notes in the week 3 package.

A Block Law 12 - So yesterday we got caught up in our Fundamental Freedoms outlined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This morning I'd like to start with you getting into partners and choosing two items/statements/scenarios from the list below. If you need to, use your All About Law text and then we'll figure out whether or not Section 2 of the Charter covers the following...

After we discuss this I'll have you work on questions 1-4 of the Canada (Attorney General) v. JTI Macdonald Corp., (2007) on page 44 in the text. I'd also like you to work on question 3 from page 46 which deals with the R. v. Keegstra (1990) and R. v. Butler (1992) cases

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll look at the Executive Branch of the Federal government in Canada specifically the office of the Prime Minister. Yesterday we began a discussion on leadership and today I'll have you look at a biography sheet of a Canadian Prime Minister. Try to identify as many accomplishments that they achieved while in office to determine what qualities of leadership they may have demonstrated. It will be your job to create a job wanted poster / advertisement for the office of Canadian Prime Minister. Included in this will be an explanation of roles and responsibilities (including powers), qualities and characteristics, and experience. For help look at:
Prime Minister of Canada
Canada Online Role of Prime Minister
All Experts Prime Minister of Canada

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we start with your questions from yesterday's class on victim theories (active & passive victimization; deviant place & high risk lifesytles; and routine activities) and school (from page 72 in the text). We'll work on that for the first half hour or so and then we'll try to understand what a victim of crime is. For the last part of the class we'll discuss victims of crime and victimology. We'll look at the Holly Jones murder case in Toronto (2003) and try to find out what impact that would have on her family, her classmates at school, her neighbourhood, and really the entire greater Toronto metropolitan area.
CBC News InDepth: Holly Jones
Holly Jones Memorial Site
Lastly we'll start a quick look at crime patterns and trends in Canada.

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