C - Criminology 12 - Today is the last day in Term 3 so it is your last class in Criminology. We have the entire class for your presentations. It has been fun to work with you and if you are interested in Criminology check out the programs at:
British Columbia College Criminology Programs and Courses
British Columbia University Criminology Programs and Courses
Douglas College has a good website that discusses criminology career possibilities while Wilfrid Laurier University has an excellent document (2 pages) on criminology careers here.
B - Social Studies 10 - Today you need to complete the T-Chart activity on the pros and cons of the 72 Resolutions for each colony that you started yesterday. When you finish this, you will begin work on an editorial cartoon for one of the Atlantic colonies (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland) about Confederation. Look through the section in your textbook about the reaction in the colonies from the Quebec conference and the plan for Confederation. What did the colonies like or dislike the most about the plan? Who were the characters (Tilley, Tupper, Howe, and Pope in Atlantic Canada and Macdonald or Cartier for the Canadas)? Now read through what an editorial cartoon is on pages 51 & 52 of the text (Developing Skills: Interpreting Political Cartoons). Now use all that you've learned and create an editorial cartoon for one of the Atlantic colonies that is either pro (for) or anti (against) Confederation.

A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we'll finish our look at earthquakes in class. You'll need to hand in yesterday's work (questions 9, 14, 15, and 16 from page 168 in the Earth Science and the Environment text and "How do Tsunami's form and what makes them do so much damage along coastlines?"). After, will have you brainstorm a Know-Want to Know chart on volcanoes. You will need to list out what you know (or think you know) about volcanoes (where they are, names, what they can do, etc...) and brainstorm a list of questions you have always wanted to know but never asked. We'll then look at the processes that create magma (temperature, pressure, and water) and you'll have no homework tonight.

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