B - Social Studies 10 - Today your Confederation essay is due so please make sure you get your assignment in to me (it is a major mark for term 3). We will look at the Charlottetown and Quebec conferences in August and October 1864. We'll talk about the circus atmosphere of the Charlottetown Conference and examine the outcomes of the week long discussion. Next we'll look at the Quebec conference and identify all of the political and logistical problems that the Founders of Confederation had to overcome. We'll figure out what the Quebec Resolutions (also called the 72 Resolutions) were and see how taxation and representation issues were deal breakers for PEI and Newfoundland. For the last part of the class I'd like you to complete a T-Chart activity on the pros and cons of the 72 Resolutions for each colony.
A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today you need to work on questions 9, 14, 15, and 16 from page 168 in the Earth Science and the Environment text and I'd like you to answer the following question: "How do Tsunami's form and what makes them do so much damage along coastlines?" You can look at Extreme Earth website at Discovery Channel and it has a section of a great video called America's Tsunami: Are We Next? Savage Earth on PBS also has a great animation on how tsunami's occur as well. The British Columbia Provincial Emergency Program also has a great webpage full of tsunami information, along with diagrams and animations. There's lots of info on line to help. I'll have a really good DVD in class for you to help called Mega Disaster on the threat of a West Coast Tsunami.
C - Criminology 12 - Today we start our seminar discussions on the topics you researched last week
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