Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday, April 1. 2010

Today's schedule is D-C-Lunch-A-B

C - Criminology 12 - Yesterday we started our white collar crime section by learning how to identify a pyramid / ponzi scam (for more take a look at How Stuff Works). Today we'll quickly look at individual exploitation of an institutional position, influence peddling & bribery, theft and employee fraud, client fraud and corporate crime. We'll watch Chapters 1-8 in the movie "The Corporation" and for our last blog entry on Tuesday, you will need to work on the "Can Corporations Commit Murder" questions 1 & 2 from page 285 as well as question 1 from page 291 in your Criminology the Core textbook. Tomorrow you'll be working on gangs.
For more on Corporations look at the website for the documentary The Corporation
Watch the documentary on You Tube here!

A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today, you are in the library for your second day to workon your major semester long project. You can find the assignment on the school computers in K:\Mr. A. Young\Earth and Space Science 11\Earth and Space Science Major Project.pdf. Remember that your First Milestone is April 30th and on that day you will need to submit three completed pages (of which I will choose one to grade). Six topics that you could work on are: minerals, rocks, geologic resources, plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Remember too that these topics need to be related to class discussions or subjects covered in the course.

B - Social Studies 10 - Today we will continue our look at the factors that led to Confederation in Canada. We'll take a look at changing attitudes in Britain (Little Englanders) and political deadlock in the 1860's (between 1849 - 1864 there were twelve governments formed).

Pau Hana!
Hau ʻoli Pakoa Ohana


james boutin said...

Wow - very cool. I want to teach white collar crime.

Geo Teacher said...

Thanks for the comment. I fell into teaching Criminology mostly because my wife took an on-line criminology course "Psychological explanations of criminal and deviant behaviour" and she hooked me into the topic. I've always liked Law & Order and taught high school level law for ten years. With the popularity of forensic science (CSI) I found there was a need for a course on criminal studies for my students. There's lots of resources out there to help create a course when you get back in the schools.