Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday, March 31. 2010

Today's schedule is A-B-Lunch-C-D

A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we'll start the class with some notes on the three types of plate margins/boundaries. We'll look at Convergent boundaries (ocean - ocean; ocean - continent; and continent - continent), Divergent boundaries (in the ocean and on land), and Transform boundaries. We'll look at the geologic events that happen and features that are created at these boundaries. After we'll watch the first part of the Forces of Nature DVD that we didn't get to yesterday. For more on Plate Boundaries look at the following:
Exploring the Environment Plate Tectonics
USGS This Dynamic Earth
NASA JPL Plate Boundaries
National Geographic Plate Tectonics
University of Kentucky Plate Motions flash page

B - Social Studies 10 - Today we are going to continue our work on the causes of Confederation essay that we are working on. I'll go through your paragraph on 1) Trade and Reciprocity and 2) Transportation and Railways. We'll make sense of Canada losing preferential status through the abolition of the Corn Laws in 1846 and our Reciprocity Treaty of 1854 with the United States. We'll look at the development of the Grand Trunk Railway and the need for railways in Canada (think trade and defense).
Check out Confederation for Kids "How Canada was Formed" for more information on the topic!

C - Criminology 12 - Today we will start by reviewing burglary (Remember you had two questions yesterday: What characteristics must a good burglar have? and What are the differences between male and female burglars?) and then you'll need to answer a question about arson ...What are the motives for juvenile, professional, and compulsive arsonists to set fires?

After that we move into our white-collar (enterprise) and organized crime unit. We will see the similarities between the two types of crime and you'll be introduced to Edwin H. Sutherland's Differential Association Theory (he introduced the concept "white collar crime"). We'll take a few notes and see what we can find on the Internet about white collar crime....spoil alert LOTS!
National Check Fraud Center
Robert O. Keel White Collar Crime
Canadian Encyclopedia White Collar Crime
Federal Bureau of Investigation White Collar Crime Division
Understanding White Collar Crime
News Stories of White Collar Crime

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