Sunday, January 25, 2015

Monday, January 26. 2015

Today's schedule is A-AG-B-C-D

A & C Blocks Social Studies 10 - Today we are in the library for the second to last day of research/work on your family history assignment. Remember, your task is to research your family history, which includes learning how to conduct academic research, making critical evaluations regarding sources, and managing information. Please remember that I want you to focus on the context of history- did your ancestor fight in the war of 1812? What was life like for farmers during early settlement of the west? Why do you have American relatives? Use the primary documents and stories you find to uncover what daily life might have been like for your relatives.

Links to help with research...
Government of Canada Geneaology Site
American National Archives
Pier 21 Immigration Museum Research Canada
Ellis Island - U.S. Immigration
Climbing Your Family Tree
Family Search
BC Department of Vital Statistics
Family Echo
Roots Magic (download program for home use - check with parents)
My Heritage

Find My Past (check out the quick tips to get started page)
US Gen Web (if you have American relatives)
Board for Certification of Genealogists (check out the skillbuilding articles for tips and links)
Automated Genealogy (1851, 1901, 1906, 1911 Censuses)

And two new ones...
Genealogy Roadshow (check out the Discover your Genealogy Tab)
Finding Your Roots

Kenyatta Berry, Joshua Taylor, and Mary M. Tedesco, GENEALOGY ROADSHOW’s experts, offer some advice for researching your own family’s genealogy.

Collect as many oral histories as possible. Your living ancestors have information and stories to share. Interview them and record their stories.

Hint: Collect memories whether you think their stories are true or not.

Hint: Gather as many names as you can, including maiden names and relationships.

Hint: Try to get dates. If someone can’t remember a specific date, ask them to reference a major event (how old were they during World War II, etc.)

Hint: Show family photos to help spur memories.Who can be identified? Who else might be able to help identify family members (can a family friend fill in the gap?)

Hint: Gather all photos and documentation, regardless of whether you think they are important. Items might include:

Birth, death and marriage certificates

Diplomas and other school documents

Military service documents

Communion or other social/service/religious documents

Real estate documents

B Block Law 12 - Today I have the library booked for you to continue working on your civil law major term project. After today there are only 6 classes left until the final exam and 2 classes left in the library to work on your major civil law term pressure.

D Block Law 9/10 - Today we are in the library for our last project of the year...your Fairy Tale Criminal Code Case Study. Many thanks to Mr. Scott McKillop of Winston Knoll Collegiate in Saskatchewan and Ms. Sarah Curry (currently in Toronto, Ontario) for the idea and the "bones" of this assignment.

Fairy tales are among the most violent and chilling tales in storytelling. While modern tales often have a happy ending, historically, older tales were full of elves, goblins, witches and magic, often resulting in violent endings. The Grimm brothers Jacob and Wilhelm are possibly the most famous publishers of fairy tales. In 1802, Jacob went to university to study law at the University of Marburg. As always, his little brother followed him, and entered law school in 1803. So the Grimm fairy tales come from two German lawyers so this makes them perfect for a criminal law analysis!

You are a court reporter at a criminal trial involving a fairy tale. Your job during the case is to accurately report the case to your readers. Your story will summarize the events leading to the trial (the story), what the person is being charged with, who testified and to what for the Crown, who testified and to what for the defense including what was the basis for their defense, and finally what the judge’s decision was and why.

Required items:

  1. Summary of the facts – Summarize the fairy tale that you are using.
  2. Crown’s case – Lawyer’s opening statement which includes what the defendant is being charged with (Use the criminal code and/or your textbook to find the offence and record the Section and the number), what penalty they are asking for, and who testified (Minimum of three (3) witnesses including the victim assuming they are alive) along with testimony of each witness.
  3. Defense’s case – Lawyer’s opening statement including what is his/her client’s defense will be and who will be testifying (Minimum of three (3) witnesses including the defendant) along with theTestimony of each witness
  4. The judge's decision - Is the defendant guilty as charged? guilty of a lesser offense? or not guilty at all? What sentence will be given if necessary (the Criminal Code outlines minimum and maximum sentences)? Give the reasons for the decision made, why did the judge make the decision that they did?
For a really good example, Check out: Appleman Law Hansel & Gretel, Appleman Law Little Red Riding Hood, Appleman Law Goldilocks and the Three Bears  or Hansel and Gretel a Lawyer's Fairy Tale by the Legal Geeks.

Grimm Fairy Tales
Anderson Fairy Tales
Classic Fairy Tales
Another page of Grimm tales
Another page of Anderson tales

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