Monday, January 26, 2015

Tuesday, January 27. 2015

Today's schedule is C-AG-D-A-B

C & A Blocks Social Studies 10 -Today we are back in the library for your last day this week for research on your family history assignment. Remember, your task is to research your family history, which includes learning how to conduct academic research, making critical evaluations regarding sources, and managing information. Please remember that I want you to focus on the context of history- did your ancestor fight in the war of 1812? What was life like for farmers during early settlement of the west? Why do you have American relatives? Use the primary documents and stories you find to uncover what daily life might have been like for your relatives.

D Block Law 9/10 - First you need to finish and hand in your Four Parties to an Offense activity from last one criminal offense; and then you'll need to draw/identify the four parties to that offense (primary actor or perpetrator, aider, abettor, and counselor). Next we begin our look at courts and trial procedures. We'll look at the three court levels in BC (Provincial, Supreme, and Appellate) then we'll focus on courtroom organization and then we'll discuss the roles and responsibilities of the judge, the crown prosecutor, defense counsel, the court clerk, court recorder, and sheriff. This should help you with your Fairy Tale Law project.

B Block Law 12 - OK so let's get ready. Not to sound pushy but you have just two more blocks to work on your major civil law project in class...really...I'm serious, you have two blocks to get this done and it's a major project...and you've had all term to work on pressure. Today I'd like you to begin your preparations for the final exam. The final exam for Law 12 is broken up into two parts. On Thursday we'll work through the written answer section (there are 13 law scenarios that have questions attached that you'll need to answer) while Wednesday you'll work through the selected response portion of the test. On this section you'll have 30 True/False questions, 65 Multiple choice responses and 65 Matching questions. These are techniques that will help you review for tests:

  1. Create study checklists Identify all of the material that you will be tested on-- list notes, formulas, ideas, and text assignments you are accountable for. This checklist will enable you to break your studying into organized, manageable chunks, which should allow for a comprehensive review plan with minimal anxiety
  2. Create summary notes and "maps" Briefly map out the important ideas of the course and the relationships of these ideas. Summary notes should display lists and hierarchies of ideas. Creativity and a visual framework will help you recall these ideas.
  3. Record your notes and significant portions of text digitally, so you can review material with a smartphone. Having a record of important information will enable you to study while walking or relaxing in a non-academic environment
  4. Create flashcards for definitions, formulas, or lists that you need to have memorized--put topics on one side of the card, answers on the other. Flashcards will enable you to test your ability to not only recognize important information, but also your ability to retrieve information from scratch.

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