Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday April 28. 2011

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Yesterday we took a look at some video footage of landslides, rockfalls and debris slides. We also looked at Google Earth to see places in the Lower Mainland and here on Vancouver Island where mass wasting takes place. At the end of class I asked you to work on questions 13, 14, 15, and 19 in our shortened block. Today we will go over yesterday's questions on Mass Wasting, then we'll look at the water cycle, rivers and streams and fluvial erosion (Chapter 11 in the Earth Science and the Environment textbook). We will take diagrams and notes down and then you'll have a few questions to complete at the end of class (questions 2, 4, 7, 8 and 9 "For Review" page 273).

A & D Criminology 12 - Yesterday we looked at a Power Point on crime trends and patterns and saw that there are 3 ways we collect crime data (UCR, PRVS, Self Report surveys). We also began to look at patterns and saw that the crime rate follows the population of young males in society (the more young males the higher the crime rate and vice versa). Today I'll continue with the Power Point on crime trends and then I will have you work on questions 2 and 4 from page 51 in the Criminology: The Core textbook. This all helps you with the quiz you'll be writing tomorrow. When this is done we'll discuss victims of crime and victimology. We'll look at the Holly Jones murder case in Toronto (2003) and try to find out what impact that would have on her family, her classmates at school, her neighbourhood, and really the entire greater Toronto metropolitan area.
CBC News InDepth: Holly Jones
Holly Jones Memorial Site

C - Geography 12 - Today we'll continue our look at weather, completing our look at energy distribution, the greenhouse effect and temperature. Our first focus today will be energy distribution, albedo, and the Greenhouse effect (and connect those topics to global warming). We'll take a look at two sections of the National Geographic video "Six Degrees Could Change the World" and the Futurama clip that Al Gore used in his movie "An Inconvenient Truth". In class today, you will need to work on questions 1, 3, & 6 from page 117 along with questions 9 & 11 on page 118 AND questions 5, 8, 12 & 13 from page 141 and 16 from page 142 of your Geosystems textbook. We will pay more attention to global warming and climate change later on in the course

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