Thursday, April 28, 2011

Friday, April 29. 2011

Today's schedule is C-D-B-A

C - Geography 12 - Today we'll start with the Six Degrees Could Change the World DVD from yesterday (focusing on 1, 2, and 3 degrees of change) then we shift our focus (a bit) and in order to understand the Coriolis force we'll watch the Simpsons episode Bart vs Australia (you can watch it here).
After we find out that in the country Rand McNally water travels backwards, people wear hats on their feet, and hamburgers eat people...we will really make sense of the Coriolis force. No toilets are not affected by the Coriolis force but both meso and macro scale weather patterns are. After we will look at winds and pressure circulations. We'll understand where the permanent areas of high and low pressure are on the planet and figure out what that means for a macro-scale pressure gradient wind pattern. We'll try to understand what the Coriolis force is and see how it affects wind. We'll also talk about the Horse Latitudes, the Bermuda Triangle, and the Doldrums. You will need to complete question 1 from page 176 and questions 9 & 15 from page 177 of your Geosystems textbook.

D & A - Criminology 12 - Today we start with our first quiz in the course. It is on crime theories, a history of criminology, where our modern laws come from and the statistics and trends work we looked at this week. After, we'll talk about the victims of crime. Crime Victimization is a huge area of study in Criminology and we'll try to make sense of some victim statistics. You'll need to bring your coloured pencils as you will start your poster assignment showing a typical victim of a violent crime. You will need to choose a type of violent crime (homicide, assault, sexual assault, criminal harassment - stalking, hate crimes, kidnapping) and identify the personal characteristics, behaviours, and traits of the most likely victim of that crime (consider age, gender, social status, relationship status, race or ethnicity, prior victimization, behaviour, location, culture, etc...). You'll need to explain & draw the victim and then describe the theory of victimization that explains why they would fall prey to that crime.

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we are back in the library to continue work on our major semester long project. Remember it is your responsibility to create a review of the Earth & Space Science curriculum for a student in grade 7 (12 to 13 years old). Just a heads up...this is the content we have covered so far:

1. Geologic Time - relative, absolute time and associated principles and techniques, the Geologic Time Scale, fossil formation
2. Earth's History - Pre-Cambrian time, major features and events
1. Earth Materials – atoms, elements, minerals, rocks and the rock cycle, cooling rates and crystal size in igneous rocks
2. Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics - plate tectonic theory, volcanism and associated features, earthquakes and seismology, mountains and the forces that shape them
3. Natural Resources - ore minerals and fossil fuels, renewable and nonrenewable resources, sustainable development
4. Weathering and Erosion - weathering and soil formation, agents of erosion, erosional and depositional features

You have another check in coming up in just over a month so if you need help please ask.

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