Sunday, May 1, 2011

Monday, May 2. 2011

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D.

If you are 18 and are registered to vote please exercise your democratic right and vote today.

A & D - Criminology 12 - Today your journal / blog entry is to look at the Holly Jones murder case in Toronto (2003) and try to find out what impact that would have on her family, her classmates at school, her neighbourhood, and really the entire greater Toronto metropolitan area.
CBC News InDepth: Holly Jones
Holly Jones Memorial Site
You should use Chapter 3 pages 54-7 in Criminology: The Core textbook for help. Next, I'd like you to find an article (news story) about a recent victim of crime and for that you should outline the impacts of the crime on them. Finally, using the Holly Jones case and the news story you found, explain what we should do to mitigate (soften the impact) the impacts of crime on victims (be realistic).

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today, we will take a diagram down about the hydrological cycle and a few notes as well. Finally, you'll have a series of questions to complete from page 273 in the Earth Science and the Environment textbook (2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, and 20).

Check out more info on water, rivers, streams and fluvial processes at:
Encyclopedia of the Earth Hydrological Cycle
USGS Water Cycle page
USGS Water education page

C - Geography 12 - Today we'll start by reviewing the Coriolis force, along with global scale winds and pressure circulations. We'll talk about the Horse Latitudes, the Bermuda Triangle, and the Doldrums and we'll finish Bart vs Australia from last week. After, we'll continue our look at weather; working on an activity called “Air: The High and Low of it” in your week 13 package. After you have finished this activity you need to complete questions 19 and 21 from page 177 in your Geosystems textbook.

Don't forget, we'll start the class by looking at the synoptic chart for North America and begin to understand weather station plots. Take some time on the following sites to learn more and to practice your weather operational analysis capabilities:
WW2010 - University of Illinois Weather site
National Weather Service "Jet Stream" online weather school
American Meteorological Society "Data Streme"
British Broadcasting Corporation Reading Weather Maps
USA Today Reading Weather Maps

Practise at: Weather Office (Environment Canada) Operational Analysis Charts or at the Data Streme site above

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