Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, April 27. 2011

In order to accommodate early dismissal and the lip dub filming all classes are 40 minutes today so...

Today's schedule is D-C-A-B

D & A - Criminology 12 - Today I'll start the class with a quick powerpoint on crime trends in Canada which will help you with your blog entry from yesterday. The crime data indicate that rates have declined significantly in the past few years and are now far less than they were a decade ago. One of the major suspected causes for the crime rate drop is the age structure of society; the number of young males in Canada is lower than before and the data sources show relatively stable patterns in the crime rate. Ecological patterns show that crime varies by season and by urban versus rural environment, however there is evidence of gender patterns in the crime rate: Men commit more crime than women. Age is one of the largest influences on crime; young people commit more crime than the elderly (and there are fewer young people in society). Crime data show that people commit less crime as they age, but the significance and cause of this pattern are still not completely understood. Similarly, racial and class patterns appear in the crime rate. However, it is still unclear whether these are true differences or a function of discriminatory law enforcement.

Tomorrow we have a quiz in Criminology which will include today's work on crime patterns and trends. I will be asking you to work on questions 2 and 4 from page 51 in the Criminology: The Core textbook.

C - Geography 12 - Today you will be finishing the “Sunlight and the Seasons” (week 11 package "Solar energy and the reason for seasons"). After you have finished this activity you need to complete questions 17, 19, and 20 from page 62 in your Geosystems textbook. After we'll begin looking at Albedo, energy distribution, the greenhouse effect and temperature (if there's time we'll watch the BBC DVD “The Weather” episode on heat (Grrrr, Donal MacIntyre is doing my job!).

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we'll turn our attention to Mass Wasting focusing on slides, flows, and falls. We will figure out the causes of Mass Wasting by looking at both the driving and resisting forces on hillsides and slopes. We will try to figure out some slope stabilization practices and specifically we'll look at what has been done at Goose Spit to stop erosion of the Willemar Bluffs along Balmoral Beach. We'll also review the problems of the Sea to Sky highway (Hwy 99 from West Vancouver to Squamish). You'll complete questions 13, 14, 15, and 19 for homework.

There is a good collection of landslide hazard information at Dave's Landslide Blog

1 comment:

Savannah said...

mr. young, sorry i gave you the wrong thing for my blog. it's "" not