Sunday, April 17, 2011

Monday, April 18. 2011

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

A & D - Criminology 12 - Today we will be in the library working on our first journal / blog entry. Before the long weekend I asked you to develop your own theory as to why crime happens. I asked you to use the list of brainstormed items from our class discussions, your notes on the history of criminology and from the Crime Theory website. Today you will need to set up a blog for the course. You may use Google's Blogspot (what you're looking @ right now is an example), Wordpress, Live Journal, Bloguni, or any other blog creation site you choose. I would HIGHLY recommend staying with blogspot, wordpress, or live journal. You will need to develop a blog, write out your crime theory, and then find an article about a recent crime here in Canada (you can find many crime news stories at the CNews Crime section of the Canoe website). Make a link to the news article on your blogsite, briefly explain the crime and then write how your theory helps to explain why the perpetrator committed the crime.

C - Geography 12 - Today you have your Gradation Unit Final test. This test will take the whole class to complete and if came prepared then I am certain you will do fine. Relax, breathe, and dazzle me with what you know.

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we start by finishing the Geologic Journey video on the Rockies that we started last Wednesday. I'll go over questions 13 & 15 on the video worksheet with you (sketching the photocopied pictures of mountain structures). For the rest of the class I need you to work through the "For Review" questions 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 & 13 from page 214 in your Earth Science and the Environment textbook. Check out the Brain Pop video on Mountain types here. For animations on types of faults click here. For animations on folds, anticlines, and synclines click here. For explanations and animations on deformation of rocks and geologic structures click here.

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