Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday, April 14. 2011

Today's schedule is C-D-B-A

C- Geography 12
- Today we will finish our look at deserts and desert environments. Please hand in all of your week 10 work so that I can get it back to you in order that you may prepare for your upcoming unit final test. We'll watch the Planet Earth DVD of deserts in class today.

A & D - Criminology 12 - Today we'll start with a discussion on your lists of crime and deviance. On Tuesday I'll ask you to work on a related activity. After this we'll watch our first Criminal Minds episode of the course. I'll have you watch "Empty Planet" from Season 2. In this episode The BAU travels to Seattle to identify and catch a serial bomber who has been terrorizing the city and targeting centers of automated technology. Working with the author of a science fiction novel that has become a guide for the bomber, the team attempts to determine why certain sites have been chosen as targets. I'll ask you to explain the profile that the team builds on the serial bomber after the episode is done.

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we are back in the library to continue work on our major semester long project. Remember it is your responsibility to create a review of the Earth & Space Science curriculum for a student in grade 7 (12 to 13 years old). Just a reminder about the curriculum you need to cover:

1. Geologic Time - relative, absolute time and associated principles and techniques, the Geologic Time Scale, fossil formation
2. Earth's History - Pre-Cambrian time, major features and events
1. Earth Materials – atoms, elements, minerals, rocks and the rock cycle, cooling rates and crystal size in igneous rocks
2. Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics - plate tectonic theory, volcanism and associated features, earthquakes and seismology, mountains and the forces that shape them
3. Natural Resources - ore minerals and fossil fuels, renewable and nonrenewable resources, sustainable development
4. Weathering and Erosion - weathering and soil formation, agents of erosion, erosional and depositional features
1. The Ocean Floor - features, oceanic and continental crusts
2. Ocean Currents - surface and deep ocean currents, association with world climates
1. The Atmosphere - structure and contents, changes in the atmosphere and effects from the Sun, air pressure, winds and temperature, wind circulation patterns
2. Evaporation and Precipitation - the hydrologic cycle, *cloud types
3. Weather and Climate - air masses and fronts, forecasts and maps, factors controlling climate
1. Stars and Galaxies - telescopes, spectroscopes and analysis of stars and starlight, constellations and galaxies, space distances, the Big Bang theory
2. The Sun and the Solar System - features of the Sun, Kepler's Laws, the origin and position of the planets, other components
3. The Earth and the Moon - determining the Earth's size and density, solar and lunar eclipses, tides and moon motion, day length and Earth rotation

You have another check in coming up in just over a month so if you need help please ask.

Enjoy the long weekend. Pau Hana.

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