- Why do you think Europeans generally avoid genetically modified food while Americans generally do not? Does your family avoid foods made with GMO seeds? Why or why not?
- Describe the characteristics of the “miracle wheat seed”.
- Describe the characteristics of the “miracle rice seed”.
- What specific problems do farmers in LDCs have which might prevent them from taking full advantage of the Green Revolution?
- What three crops are often genetically modified?
- Approximately how much of major crops in the US are genetically modified?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified foods?
C Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll look at groups and socialization. Our focus today will be on in-groups, out-groups and social integration along with agents of socialization (family, school, peer groups and mass media). Groups are really important because they affect the way we view the world, our sense of self, and our understanding of where we fit into the larger social scene. The family is the most basic primary group we belong to. We may also have close friends or belong to a support group that we feel close intimate ties with. This leads me to today's activity:

There are many groups or "cliques" in this school. A "clique" is a group of people who interact with each other more regularly and intensely than others in the same setting. Interacting with cliques at school is part of normative social development regardless of gender, ethnicity, or popularity.
So, what are the cliques that exist in our school? To start Identify/ Brainstorm as many as you can on your own and, while avoiding stereotypes, try to describe the typical member of each clique. Get together with another two students in the class and form a triad - a group of three (not a dyad - a group of two). In your triad groups select one clique in the school and make a poster that graphically depicts that group. Make sure that there are explanations of their behavious, attire, appearance, attitudes and beliefs...hmmm maybe their clique culture? This will be due this Friday in class. Your activity from yesterday will also be due Friday and I'll give you more time tomorrow to work on either your clique assignment or your social influences assignment. But today is Wednesday and on Wednesday's...
So fetch!
B Block Introduction to Law 10 - Today we'll look at crime scene investigation. You'll start with the basic stages of a search, documenting evidence, and examples of what is included in a crime scene investigator's toolkit. Finally, I'll have you work on your detective skills through a crime scenario (the Backpack mystery). Read the story; research the clues; evaluate the evidence; consider means, motive and opportunity; and explain who you think committed the criminal offense. To convince a jury of guilt in a criminal trial (in a US Court of law), three things need to be established: means, motive and opportunity. Means – did the person have the ability and the tools to commit the crime? Motive – did the person have a reason to commit the crime? Opportunity – were circumstance such that the person would have had a chance to commit the crime?
Take down this chart and record your answers (if a piece of evidence fits a suspect’s behavior then place a check in that column…i.e. if Coach Brown has a match for fingerprints left at the scene then place a check mark in in Coach Brown’s row in the fingerprint column).
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Coach Brown
I think the guilty party is ________________ because…
A Block Law 12 - Today I have the library/learning commons booked for you to continue your work on the major civil law project that is due in just a month from now. You have ten library blocks left to finish this assignment...no pressure really. And don't forget if you're choosing to do three cases with a video for your law firm...you had better start script writing and planning your production dates ASAP.
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