Thursday, May 24, 2018

Friday, May 25. 2018

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

A Block Law 12 - Today we'll be in the class continuing our look at family law. We'll talk about annulments, divorce, property division and support obligations. We'll look at: the equal division rule and the matrimonial home; spousal support and self sufficiency; and the types of child guardianship, access, and child support and Monday we're back in the library for continued work on our major project.

B Block Introduction to Law 10 - Today we will watch the CSI episode "Burden of Proof" (Season 2 Episode 215). This ties into your "Clue Us In" crime scene reconstruction project. There are many important things to notice in this episode but the one thing that I'd like you to remember is that forensics can't solve every case and that the forensic analysis of crime scenes is a tedious, slow meticulous and process. And from Innocence Canada
 "It is clear that the CSI effect is a real phenomenon. However, media perceptions of its effects may be misleading. Rather than leading to injustice through increased scepticism of forensic evidence that incriminates the accused, the CSI effect may promote injustice more through encouraging jurors to unquestioningly accept whatever forensic evidence they are presented."
When finished we'll discuss the disparities between television "serialized" fictional CSI and the real world (In Canada the RCMP have a Forensic Science and Identification Services FS&IS division).

C Block Criminology 12 - Today you'll have the block to work on your clique assignment or your social influences assignment that are due tomorrow. From yesterday, what are the cliques that exist in our school? To start Identify/ Brainstorm as many as you can on your own and, while avoiding stereotypes, try to describe the typical member of each clique. Get together with another two students in the class and form a triad - a group of three (not a dyad - a group of two). In your triad groups, select one clique in the school and make a poster that graphically depicts that group. Make sure that there are explanations of their behaviours, attire, appearance, attitudes and beliefs...hmmm maybe their clique culture?

How crazy is this? Ever seen the high school story game for Apple and Android products?

Play HIGH SCHOOL STORY and create the school of your dreams, filled with all your friends. Throw parties, go on dates, and recruit jocks, nerds, cheerleaders, and MANY MORE classmates to unlock their stories! Plan a surprise birthday party, star in a fashion show, go on a wild spring break beach trip, and discover hundreds of other adventures!
  • THROW PARTIES to unlock over 30 characters! 
  • DATE your crush and play matchmaker for everyone at your school! 
  • BATTLE a rival high school in an evolving story, including a showdown at the Homecoming game, a science fair, a prank war, and more! 
  • PUT YOUR FRIENDS in the game and join them on adventures, dates, and parties! 
  • MAKE NEW FRIENDS and play their stories! 
  • BUILD your dream school and decorate it with everything from a half-pipe to a box of puppies! 

Why Cliques Form at Some High Schools and Not Others
Buzzfeed Can We Guess What Clique You Belonged To In High School?

D Block Human Geography 11 - Today we'll continue with the key question "Why Do Farmers Face Economic Difficulties"? Our focus for the day will be on food prices and the growing crisis of farmer suicide rates. Food prices, rather than food supply, has emerged as the greatest challenge to world food supply in the twenty-first century. For instance, food prices have more than doubled between 2006 and 2008, remained at record high levels through 2014, and declined sharply in 2015.

We'll also look at the suicide crisis among farmers

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