C & B Blocks Social Studies 11 - Today our focus, before tomorrow's test/quiz, is understanding the culture of Canada at the turn of the 20th Century. We start by looking at the Laurier Era in Canadian history (Check out the "Get Briefed" website to see some information about the Laurier Era in Canada). I want you to think about what life was like, here in the Comox Valley, 101 years ago in 1915 (when the city of Courtenay was incorporated). How big was the community? Where did people live? What did people do? What were manners like? What were the values of society? Look at the Courtenay and District Museum and Archives to see pictures and check out the Chicago Tribune

For work, I'll need you to define the following concepts:
prejudice, stereotyping, ethnocentricism, xenophobia, and racism.
This will help with the questions on assimilation of aboriginal culture, restrictions on Asian immigration, and fear over the changes to Canadian culture - which are questions 1-4 on page 13 (look through pages 9-12 in the Counterpoints textbook)
For Residential Schools and Assimilation see:
CBC News Residential Schools
CBC A History of Residential Schools in Canada
Residential Schools at Surviving the Past
For Asian Immigration restrictions see:
Canada In the Making: Asian Immigration
D Block Criminology 12 - Today we are going to the library to work on our next blog / journal entry. Below, you'll find a question on hyper-masculinity, male socialization, and sexual assault. I will need you to answer that question and then find a news story about a sexual assault. You will need to try to explain the motivation and roots of the behaviour of the assaulter in the story.
Explain how sexual behaviour could be socialized in males. Do you think that males who commit sexual assault are "hyper-masculine"? Why and where do men learn "hyper-masculine" behaviour?
The factors that predispose men to commit sexual assault include evolutionary factors, male socialization, psychological abnormality, and social learning. Most criminologists believe that rape is not sexually motivated. The evolutionary and biological factors of males suggest that sexual assault may be instinctual and developed over the ages in an effort to perpetuate the species. This notion holds that men who are sexually aggressive will have a reproductive edge over their more passive peers. Conversely, the male socialization view argues that men are socialized to be the aggressors and expect to be sexually active with many women. Sexual insecurity, then, may then lead some men to commit sexual assault to bolster their self-image. Hyper-masculine men typically have a callous sexual attitude and believe that violence is manly. Finally, another view is that men learn to commit sexual assaults as they learn any other behaviour.
Before you write your blog for the day PLEASE read this article: "The conversation you must have with your sons" AND this article "Why campuses are too often the scene of sex crimes".
Then, think about the media we are exposed to in youth...Check out the official Miss Representation website.
A Block Geography 12 -

Websites of help for this assignment:
The following URL’s will help:
Pierce County Mount Rainier Active Volcano
Pierce County Mount Rainier Hazard Maps
Pierce County Emergency Plans
City of Orting Emergency Management (Lahar Evacuation Routes)
City of Orting Lahar Information
Geology dot com Mount Rainier
USGS Rainier Hazards Landslides
National Geographic News Rainier Eruption Odds
USGS The Eruption History of Mount Rainier
Seattle Times Will we Have Enough Warning?
CS Monitor Can We Predict Volcanic Eruptions?
A note of caution...
What is the greatest danger to Orting? Of all that could potentially happen at Mount Rainier what poses the greatest threat? Now ask yourself what triggers that threat? What causes it to happen? Last think about the statistical likelyhood of that event happening. How likely is the event to occur in the next 5, 10, 100, or 1000 years? Check out the risk analysis section of the COTF website for help here.
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