From tiny tots strutting bikini-clad bodies in beauty pageants to companies marketing itty-bitty thongs and padded bras to 9-year olds, images of ever-younger sexualized girls have become commonplace. Add to that: ever-younger boys with 24-7 access to hard-core internet porn. It saturates their lives - from skate parks to the school bus – by the time they’re eighteen, 80 percent of boys are watching porn online.
So we'll watch the documentary and use information from it to help with our blog entry from Monday.
After I'd like you to focus on two questions: one on Groth's typology of rapist and the other on the causes for sexual assault.
1. Explain the three types of rapist according to Groth (anger, power, and sadistic)
2. Identify and explain the causes for sexual assault
C & B Blocks Social Studies 11 - I'll have you work in partners on two Charter case studies from the All About Law texts in the class...R. v. Keegstra (1990) SCC questions 1-6 from pages 38 & 39 and Irwin Toy Limited v. Attorney General of Quebec (1989) SCC questions 1-7 (however don't do 5b) on pages 45 & 46. Don't forget you'll have to answer the following questions:
- What is a pressure group? What is a lobbyist? How do they influence government?
- What is the role of the media in the political process (think news, reporting, campaigns, and advertising)?
- What is civil disobedience? What are the three "guidelines" for practicing civil disobedience? Would you commit acts of civil disobedience? How? What for? Why or Why not?

For more on the differences between explosive and effusive eruptions see:
National Park Service "Views of National Parks" Volcanic Eruptions and Hazards
San Diego State University "How Volcanoes Work"
Volcano World "Volcanic Gasses"
Science World 2005 "When Mountains Fizz"
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