C Block Law 9/10 - Today we'll venture off to the library to begin work on a small project about nasty people. It will be your job to create a poster on a serial killer.
Select a criminal from the list below and discuss your selection with me to obtain approval to proceed with your research no later than Today. No more than two students may choose the same criminal and your selection of a criminal is on a first-come, first-served basis. Prepare a poster on your criminal that must include the following information:
1. Name of the criminal (including an image of them) along with any aliases they may have.
Summary (not details) of the crime(s) the criminal committed, with corresponding dates (year only) of the crimes.
2. Explain the type of victim that the criminal sought
3. Explain how the criminal was caught (by whom & how? What led to his/her capture?)
4. Indicate the criminal's background, childhood, method of committing the crime, and characteristics which cause the criminal to fit within the particular theory you selected.
5. State, define, and explain the criminological theory, (classical, biological, psychological, sociological, or integrated) which explains the criminal's behaviour
6. State which serial killer category the criminal is: mission-oriented, hedonistic, visionary, power/control, thrill killer, expedience killer; (and define whichever category you select)
Robert William Pickton
Clifford Olson
John Wayne Gacy
Ted Bundy
Dennis Rader (BTK)
David Berkowitz (Son of Sam)
Jeffrey Dahmer
Gary Ridgeway (Green River Killer)
Henry Lee Lucas & Otis Toole
Richard Ramirez (Night Stalker)
Aileen Wurnos
Dorothea Puente
Karla Homolka & Paul Bernardo
Genene Jones (Angel of Mercy)
Ed Gein
Angelo Buono & Kenneth Bianchi (Hillside Stranglers)
The Zodiac Killer
Robert Hansen
Wayne Williams
Edmund Emil Kemper III
Charles Ng & Leonard Lake
Coral Eugene Watts
Cary Stayner
John Allan Mohammad & Lee Boyd Malvo (Beltway Snipers)
Danny Rolling (Gainesville Ripper)
Joel Rifkin
Randy Kraft
Albert Fish
Kenneth Allan McDuff
Here are a few links to help you get started:
TruTv Serial Killers site
How Stuff Works Serial Killer Web Site
Federal Bureau of Investigation Serial Killers site
All Serial Killers web site
Kari Sable serial killers site
Internet Crime Archives
Seize the Night Serial Killers Web Site
Mind of a Killer
About.com Serial Killer web site
Mental Floss Female Serial Killer Web site
A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we are off to the library to begin our research on the "Dictatorship for Dummies" project. It will be your job to create a "Dictatorship for Dummies" or "Complete Idiot's Guide to Dictatorship" book. These guides will need to use the experiences of Joseph Stalin in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Adolph Hitler in Nazi Germany, and Benito Mussolini in Fascist Italy in order to describe the following:
- What is a dictatorship?
- What social and economic conditions allowed the development of dictatorships?
- How did the dictators come to power? (did they create or join a political party? How did they get elected or did they? What factors allowed them to assume control of their country?)
- How did the dictators hold on to power? What did they do once they got power to consolidate their control?
- What did they do to convince the people of their country to abandon their rights?
- How can the reader of the book become a dictator? (a step-by-step guide)

Five great print resources in the library are the Longman 20th Century History Series written by Josh Brooman: Italy and Mussolini 1900-45 (945.091 BRO); Weimar Germany 1918-33 (943.086 BRO); Hitler's Germany 1933-45 (943.086 BRO); Stalin and the Soviet Union 1924-53 (947 BRO) and Roads to War the Origins of the Second World War 1929-41 (940.53 BRO). In the class I have copies of the Time-Life Series The Third Reich: The New Order; The Twisted Dream; and Storming to Power. I also have a copy of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A history of Nazi Germany by William L. Shirer and two books on Fascism - one by Stanley Payne and the other by Alan Cassels. Your textbook is a good resource (see pages 92-96) and you could also look at the following on line resources:
Totalitarianism in Europe
Death of the Father: An anthropology of the ends of political authority
Italy's Fascist Dictator by Jim Osborn
How Stuff Works the rise of Dictators video
Dr. Hubert Lerch The Rise of European Dictators
Depression, European Dictators and the New Deal (check out the chapter summary on the pdf)
B Block Geography 12 - Today we'll continue our look at weather by reviewing Friday's topics of energy distribution and the greenhouse effect (and connect those topics to global warming). Our next focus will then be on heat and temperature in the atmosphere. We'll take a look at two sections of the National Geographic video "Six Degrees Could Change the World" (1 to 3 degree temperature changes). In class today, you will need to work on questions 9 & 11 on page 118 AND questions 5, 8, 12 & 13 from page 141 and 16 from page 142 of your Geosystems textbook. We will pay more attention to global warming and climate change later on in the course.
Don't forget that every day we are going to start by looking at the synoptic forecast along with weather maps.
Data Streme
Envrionment Canada: Weather Office Comox
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