Today's schedule is A-AG-B-C-D
A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll watch the Simpsons episode "The Joy of Sect". From tv.com... Homer gets a brochure from a religious group at the airport and being highly gullible, he goes to their retreat. Because of Homer's intelligence quotient they have more trouble brainwashing him than the rest of Springfield most of who are all sucked into joining this cult. When they finally succeed with Homer, he signs over the family house to the Leader. The Leader begins taking over various media outlets, making Mr. Burns envy him. Seeing an opportunity to pay even less in taxes, Mr. Burns tries to form his own cult, although he is unsuccessful. Homer and the family move to an agricultural compound and begin picking beans. When the children become just as brainwashed as Homer, Marge escapes and enlists the help of Lovejoy, Flanders, and Willie to kidnap her family. They are able to deprogram them and then Homer tries to show the cult that the Leader is a fraud. When he does, and life returns to normal. The purpose of watching the Simpsons is to look at the cult of the leader as they say in the episode "The leader is good,the leader is great.We surrender our will, as of this day". Mussolini and Hitler clearly played up the cult of the leader so consider that when looking at the the rise of dictators in the 1920's and the early 1930's. This sets us up nicely for tomorrow's project (Dictatorship for Dummies)
B Block Geography 12 - Today we'll begin looking at Albedo, energy distribution, the greenhouse effect and temperature (if there's time we'll watch the BBC DVD “The Weather” episode on heat... Grrrr, Donal MacIntyre is doing my job!). NASA has a good website (Earth Observatroy Global Warming) that tries to explain the concept of climate change and global warming without a biased political viewpoint for or against the subject. Check it out. You could also look at the Hyper Physics website from the department of Physics and Astronomy at Georgia State University.
Every day we are going to start by looking at the synoptic forecast along with weather maps.
Data Streme
Envrionment Canada: Weather Office Comox
C Block Law 9/10 - Today we will start with our first quiz in the course then We will continue our look at profiling and begin to understand what a psychopath is. Dr. Robert Hare of the University of British Columbia created a checklist called the PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist Revised). This will help us with tomorrow's project on serial killers...more on that tomorrow.
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