Monday, September 23, 2013

Tuesday, September 24. 2013

Today's schedule is C-AG-D-A-B

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we start with our second quiz in the course...RELAX I'm sure you'll do fine. There is a bonus question for you should you choose to complete it it will be on the board in the class for you. After the quiz, we will focus on the roots of violent crime. Where does violence come from (personal traits, ineffective families, evolutionary factors, exposure to violence, cultural values, substance abuse, and firearm availability)?

I would like you brainstorm a list of all the entertainment you can think of that is based in violence. Think of video games (HALO), television programs (CSI), books (30 Days of Night comics), movies (Saw), music (ONYX, Biggie, Megadeath, Anthrax, Slayer), sports (MMA, WWE), and other forms of entertainment. After we talk about it, we'll try to answer the question: Can the roots of violence be traced back to youth? If so should we ban Warner Brothers cartoons? Is Bugs Bunny bad for kids? Comedy and violence are intermingled into a typical or formulaic narrative story.....Wile E. Coyote chases the Road Runner, Elmer Fudd chases Bugs Bunny, Sylvester chases Tweety Bird andthey inflict carnage on each other. The end is always the same....someone wins, someone loses, the loser is humiliated and we laugh at them (good clean wholesome fun). So today and tomorrow we'll watch some Warner Brothers cartoons with all the glorious violence in them and we'll have a discussion about the acceptance of violence in our modern culture. Think about the implicit and implied messages that each cartoon sends to kids.

An excellent source of information on violence in media and its link to aggression is the Media Awareness Network. Check out Time Magazine for a good article on seeking the roots of violence here.

D Block Law 12 - At the beginning of class today, I'll give you time to work on yesterday's questions 1-5 from page 78 of the All About Law text about pay and work equity. After, we'll examine the collective rights of Canada's Aboriginal/First Nations people. We'll talk about the significance of the Calder v. Attorney-General of British Columbia, 1973 decision. From the Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements Project:

The decision in Calder v Attorney-General of British Columbia was handed down by the Supreme Court of Canada on 31 January 1973. It is often credited with having provided the impetus for the overhauling of the land claims negotiation process in Canada. The case was initiated in 1968 by the Nisga'a Tribal Council against the Government of British Columbia. It failed both at trial and in the Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court overturned the Court of Appeal's finding in recognising the possible existence of Aboriginal rights to land and resources, but was equally divided on the issue of whether the Nisga'a retained title. The decision prompted the federal government to develop new policy to address Aboriginal land claims. In 1976 Canada commenced negotiations with the Nisga'a Tribal Council. British Columbia did not join the negotiations until 1990. The Nisga'a Final Agreement was concluded in 1999 and implemented by legislation in 2000.

After, we'll talk about the LGBT community in Canada and the Civil Marriage Act (which legalized same-sex marriage in Canada on July 20, 2005) and finally we'll take a closer look at Human Rights and how they are enforced in Canada.

In preparation for tomorrow's project work I'll have you work on: Questions 1-4 on page 94
1. Explain the difference between civil rights and human rights.
2. How do prejudice and stereotyping lead to discrimination?
3. Explain the difference between a complainant and a respondent.
4. What is the difference between intentional and unintentional discrimination?
Questions 4 & 5 from page 97
4. Explain the concept of a poisoned work environment. Provide an example.
5. Explain the difference between accommodation and undue hardship.
AND Question 5 from page 104
5. What types of remedies are available under human rights law?
For more on the BC Human Rights Code look at the Attorney General's Human Rights Protection site. For more on the Canadian Human Rights Act see the Canadian Department of Justice site. For more on Human Rights in Canada see the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

A Block Law 9/10 - Today we'll start with our second quiz in Law. Your first order of business is to relax and dazzle me with what you know. After, we will begin our look at crime scene investigation. We will look at the basic stages of a search, documenting evidence, and we'll see examples of what is included in a crime scene investigator's toolkit. The following are some great web pages to help understand the procedures:
Learning for Life Crime Scene Search study guide
U.S. Department of Justice Crime Scene Investigation guide

Criminal Profiling Crime Scene searches (FBI guidelines)

If you are interested in crime scene investigation as a career check out the BCIT courses (in Burnaby!) here

B Block Social Studies 10 - Today we're going to work together in the class on explaining and identifying the six physiographic regions of Canada. You've been working on this as a project and today you'll get some notes to help you with your test on Friday. We'll use the text along with the Canadian Atlas on line to go through each one of the regions - identifying the geologic structures, natural resources, climate types, ecosystems, population patterns and other cool stuff. This is, of course, in preparation for your unit test on Friday (September 28th). This unit test will cover map conventions (skills and comprehension), geographic basics (latitude, longitude, direction, and time zones), topographic map interpretation, and the physiographic regions of Canada. Today I'll have you work on questions 1-5 on page 28 of the Horizons text. (Wednesday we'll look at natural regions, the cultural landscape and the First Nations peoples of the land while on Thursday we'll see the big picture "How has Geography shaped the culture and history of Canada?") .

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