Sunday, September 22, 2013

Monday, September 23. 2013

Today's schedule is A-AG-B-C-D

A Block Law 9/10 - Today we'll do a quick review for your second quiz (tomorrow) dealing with the topics we covered in Law 9/10 last week (mass & serial murder, profiling, and criminal pathology). After, we'll finish our look at profiling by examining Geographic profiling. I'll ask you to brainstorm a list of locations in the Comox Valley that you feel crime will be more prevalent in and you'll have to justify your reasoning. For more on Geographic profiling check out:

Mapping Crime by Keith Harris
Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Investigation
RCMP Geographic Profiling

Los Angeles Auto Theft hot spots 2003

B Block Social Studies 10 - Today is the last day in the Library for work on our Physiographic Regions of Canada project. The assignment sheet can be found in the K Drive on the computers at school (K:\Mr. A. Young\Social Studies 10) and it's titled "ss10 physio proj.pdf". Please use your time wisely as you only have today left in the library...after that if you need computer time it will have to be on your own. This assignment is due this Friday (September 28th) and I will have poster paper available for you if you've decided to complete a poster for this assignment. Work Hard and Good Luck.

C Block Criminology 12 - Today your journal / blog entry is to post your response to Friday's question:

What are the short and long term impacts on victims of Crime? Use Harper in the Law & Order episode you watched on Friday and Chapter 3 pages 54-7 in CRIM textbook to help.

Next, I'd like you to find an article (news story) about a victim of crime and for that you should outline the impacts of the crime on them. Finally, using the two stories (one fictional and one real) explain what we should do to mitigate (soften the impact) the impacts of crime on victims (be realistic). Don't forget to find stories on crime in Canada check out the Canoe CNews crime archives.

D Block Law 12 - On Friday I gave you the following questions to work on: page 54 q 1-3; page 56 q 1, 2 and 4; and page 60 question 1; they are due today. To start the class we'll talk about equality and look at section 15.After that we'll look at the difference between prejudice and discrimination. We'll look at discrimination in Canada focusing on the Persons case and women's issues employment and pay equity, sexual harassment, and discrimination against pregnant women. I'll have you work on questions 1-5 on page 78 of the All About Law text:

1. What are some of the current barriers to equality facing women?
2. What is pay equity?
3. How are different jobs compared under pay equity?
4. What is employment equity?
5. What groups are protected under employment equity laws?

After this we'll examine the collective rights of Canada's Aboriginal/First Nations people. We'll talk about the significance of the Calder v. Attorney-General of British Columbia, 1973 decision. Tomorrow we'll talk about the LGBT community in Canada and take a closer look at Human Rights and how they are enforced in Canada.

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