Thursday, November 29, 2012

Friday, November 30. 2012

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D
9:05 – 10:00 Period 1 (55 min)
10:05 – 10:25 AG
10:30 – 11:25 Period 2 (55 min)
11:25 – 12:05 Lunch
12:10 – 1:10 Period 3 (60 min)
1:15 – 2:15 Period 4 (60 min)
2:15 – 3:15 X block (60 min)

A Block Law 12 - Today we'll strat with a super quick review for Tuesday's quiz/test (note the date change please, I've moved the quiz to Tuesday, December 4th). After, we'll watch the Law & Order episode “Fools for Love” (season 10, episode 15). This episode is based on the Leslie Mahaffy, Kristen French, and Tammy Homolka cases. All three were victims of Canada's own "Ken and Barbie killers", Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Bernardo was sentenced to life imprisonment for his part in the murder of Tammy Homolka (Karla's sister) and the kidnappings/murders of French and Mahaffey, and Karla Homolka accepted a ten-year plea bargain for her roles that was later upgraded to a twelve-year plea bargain. Homolka was released on July 4, 2005, and has opted to live under the name Karla Teale (Bernardo and Homolka had originally planned to change their surname to Teale, in honor of fictional killer Martin Thiel). For more news on Karla Homolka (now called Leanne Bordelais) check out the article at the Globe and Mail here...or CBC news here.

B Block Geography 12 - Today we start looking at storms and "CYCLOGENESIS"...sweet! We will look at mid-latitude cyclones and the source regions of air masses that cause these storms to develop. We'll analyze the difference between the three dimensional structure of a warm front and a cold front and we'll finish watching our BBC friend Mr. Donal McIntyre and his efforts to combat wet extremes on the planet. Your work to accomplish for the day is questions 1, 2, and 5 from page 147 and question 10 from page 248 in your Geosystems textbook. The following sites will help with cyclogenesis:
Michael Ritter's The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography on line text
National Weather Service Jet Stream on line weather school
University of Illinois WW2010 Weather Wold Project

Rapid Cyclogenesis Web lesson
Environment Canada Understanding Cyclogenesis

C Block Crime, Media & Society 12 - Today you'll start the class with time to work on your clique assignment (due today) or your social influences assignment (due next Wednesday - December 5th). After we'll look at the Law & Order Los Angeles episode "Hollywood". This episode combined three separate pop culture story stories/themes.
  1. First is the Bling Ring, the crew of Southern California teenyboppers who burgled celebrity homes by tracking their marks’ whereabouts via the Internet. The band of seven, which included E! reality star Alexis Neiers, burglarized the homes of Lindsay Lohan, Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green, Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr, Rachel Bilson, Audrina Patridge and Paris Hilton, who was reportedly robbed a total of five times by the group.
  2. Second is the Brody Jenner type reality TV star, an L.A. rich kid who dated his way into pseudo-stardom.
  3. Third, there is a version of the Lindsay-Dina Lohan mommy-daughter psychodrama, complete with lots of heavy talk about living through/off your children...remember the cartoon from yesterday's class "Children's Guide to Growing Up: Social Class"? Hmmm...lots of stuff from yesterday's cartoon in today's Law & Order: Los Angeles episode.
By the way...2013 sees the release of Sofia Coppola's movie version of this story called "Bling Ring"

On Monday I'll ask you to take a look at this episode and try to make sense of the sociological reasons why the ring did what they did AND the reasons why the media covered the story so strongly. Enjoy the episode!
D Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll finish your review for Monday's WWII quiz and then we'll talk about the end of the war in Europe and switch our focus to the Pacific. We'll look at the Manhattan Project and the use of nuclear weapons in Japan (Hiroshima and Nagasaki). This takes us to V-J Day and the end of World War Two. After that, we'll start with a bit of the Atomic Cafe movie in class. The Atomic Cafe contains civil defense movies from the 1940's through the 1960's and will help you understand the culture of fear that developed throughout the Cold War. Today we'll watch the first few sections that deal with the Manhattan Project, the Trinity Test and the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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