Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wednesday, October 17. 2012

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B Block Geography 12 - Today we finish Dante's Peak and don't forget that you have a series of questions to answer about the volcanology of the movie. Today is the main portion of the volcanic eruption and the effects that Dante's Peak takes on the small town that sits in a valley near its base (it's really Wallace Idaho but play along...) Little known fact: On September 25, 2004, Mayor Ron Garitone proclaimed Wallace to be the center of the Universe so if you want to go to the center of the Universe go to Wallace Idaho...like my dog Roscoe and I did this past summer.

As for the Dante's Peak questions and the acidity of lakes check out George Kourounis' visit to Kawah Ijen, the acidic volcanic lake in Indonesia, to see if Granny had to die in the movie...

A Block Law 12 - Today with Ms. Curry you'll continue your discussion on cyberbullying and how it fits into our criminal law unit. I'll give you some time in class to study for the Chapter 4 quiz you have tomorrow!

D Block Social Studies 11 -Today with Ms. Curry you'll be presenting your topic to other groups today (no - not in front of the class, don't worry!). Each of you will have a chart to complete, and you'll hand that in before the end of class. We'll talk about Italy (they switched sides a few times), and about the end of WWI.

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll go through yesterday's work: What characteristics must a good burglar have? (Look at Neil Shover's explanation on page 264) and What are the differences between male and female burglars? After that we'll look at arson and the motives for setting fires intentionally. After we talk about this we'll look at White Collar Crime. We will begin by learning how to identify a pyramid / ponzi scam (for more take a look at How Stuff Works). After, we'll quickly look at individual exploitation of an institutional position, influence peddling & bribery, theft and employee fraud, client fraud and corporate crime.

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