Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday, October 18. 2012

Today's schedule is D-C-B-A

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Curry... I'll hand back the charts you completed yesterday in class about what life was like in Canada during WWI. You'll do a worksheet on the Paris Peace Conference details, and I will then hand out a WWI Review Package for you to fill out before your unit test (which is on Monday!

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll watch an episode of Leverage (the Boost Job) from Season 3. I'd like you to pay attention to is the skill set that each member of the leverage team has: Nathan "Nate" Ford "The Mastermind"; Sophie Devereaux "The Grifter"; Alec Hardison "The Hacker"; Eliot Spencer "The Hitter"; and Parker "The Thief". I'd also like you to think of the types of crime in the show and how each one was perpetrated (auto theft, embezzlement, fraud, and theft). In the episode Nate (the master mind of the group) briefs the team and explains that the owner of Penzer's Auto, Duke Penzer, is an ex-racer and he "clones" stolen cars by registering them in other states. Parker (the thief) knows all about how car theft works and explains how Penzer runs his scam...The episode deals with auto theft, fraud, and good burglars. After we'll continue our look at white collar crime focusing on: individual exploitation of an institutional position, influence peddling & bribery, theft and employee fraud as well as client fraud.

B Block Geography 12 - Today we're going to start our new unit on gradation. We've looked at the process of building up the land through tectonics and energy from below. Now we'll focus on breaking down the surface of the Earth and today we cover "geomorphology". We'll look at some slopes on Google Earth and then you will need to work on questions 2, 5, and 6 from page 442 in your Geosystems text. The United States Geological Survey has a good web page on Landslides here and this flash animation website from the University of Kentucky Geology department will help as well. The Atlas of Canada has a good site on Landslides in Canada as does the Geological Survey of Canada.

A Block Law 12 - Today with Ms. Curry...You'll have a chapter quiz on your Introduction to Criminal Law unit. Good luck! Afterwards, we'll start talking about the next chapter: The Police - Investigation, Arrest and Bringing the Accused to Trial.

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