Today's schedule has been altered for our Year End assembly. The day looks like this:
C Block 9:05-10:10
D Block 10:15-11:15
Assembly 11:20-12:20
Lunch 12:20-1:00
A Block 1:05-2:05
B Block 2:10-3:15
C Block Geography 12 - Today you have a final exam. You'll complete the multiple choice section today and then tomorrow you'll have the written answer section. Good Luck!
The message at the end of the movie Home that we finished yesterday, is one of hope. The narrator, Glenn Close, says "In 200,000 years on Earth, humanity has upset the balance of the planet, established by nearly four billion years of evolution. The price to pay is high, but it's too late to be a pessimist: humanity has barely ten years to reverse the trend, become aware of the full extent of its spoliation of the Earth's riches and change its patterns of consumption".
It is too late to be a pessimist.

Thomas Hartmann ends another really good documentary Crude Impact by pleading for us to "personally wake up to these issues, and be an instrument of change, if only for one other person...Tag, you're it!". Look below for places to get information on what to do're it!
D Block Criminology 12 - Today we start the class with our last quiz in the course (Gangs and Social Order crimes). After we finish this you'll have the block to finish preparations for your seminar presentations. Yesterday I posted some information about public speaking and presentation skills. Please take some time to review the links if you are somewhat fearful of speaking in public. I really like the topics that you've indicated you're doing and I look forward to learning about what you've discovered.
A Block Social Studies 11 - Today in class we'll take time out of the day to prepare for Thursday's Provincial Exam. You have a review already and today we'll go through a previous Provincial exam together as a class to see how you'd do. After this you should partner up and quiz each other or help each other create flash cards or study notes.
B Block Law 12 - Tomorrow is day one of your in-class final exam and you will be working on the written answer section. Yesterday I gave you a little review of the criminal law unit and you'll have today to continue your preparations for tomorrow's exam. Eight people have handed in their major project to me already. Thank you. This assignment is due no later than Thursday afternoon so please ensure that I have it by the end of the day.
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