A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll finish our look at the environmental issues that we face as Canadians in the context of the modern world. So, we'll examine climate change, ozone depletion, acid rain and potable (safe drinking) water. On Friday we watched the "Story of Stuff" which looked at our rates of consumption. Today we'll look to see the connection between consumption and environmental degradation of ecosystems. After we'll see if we can connect our look at population and living standards to this topic.
You write your Provincial Exam on Thursday, June 21st from 12:45 - 3:00 pm.

Take heed the wisdom of Yoda...
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try!"
So study. I gave you a review and you should be using it to prepare for this Thursday...that's a mere three days from now. Tomorrow and Wednesday in class we'll take time to prepare.
B Block Law 12 - OK so let's get ready. The final exam for Law 12 is broken up into two parts. On Tuesday we'll start with the written answer section. There are 13 law scenarios that have questions attached that you'll need to answer. On Wednesday there will be the selected response portion of the test. On this section you'll have 30 True/False questions, 65 Multiple choice responses and 65 Matching questions. Thursday is mop up day (any extra time needed for tests or to hand work in - A.K.A. Major Civil Law project)
C Block Geography 12 - Today we will take the whole class to watch the rest of the movie Home that we started yesterday. We'll talk about the things you can do to address the problems / issues that the movie raises. Think about the title. What is our collective home? Now think about the statement from the beginning of the film...

Listen to me, please. You're like me, a homo sapiens. A wise human. Life; a miracle in the universe appeared around 4 billion years ago and we humans only 200,000 years ago, yet we have succeeded in disrupting the balance so essential to life. Listen carefully to this extraordinary story, which is yours, and decide what you want to do with it.
D Block Criminology 12 - OK so this is it. These are the last two days to get your seminar topic prepared and ready to go for Wednesday and Thursday this week. Now let's talk about stress. Some of you are not too fond of public speaking and find it an unpleasant experience. It doesn't have to be. You have five minutes (or more if you need it) to present information on a criminology topic to the class. The information is about something you are interested in and why you are interested in it. Some of you have indicated that you're panicking about speaking in front of the class which is both natural and actually kind of funny (given that you all have done this already just not in a structured format). So look through the following websites to help you plan for your talk:
CAASAA Public Speaking Skills
How to Conquer Public Speaking Fear
Toastmasters Tips & Techniques
Overcoming the Fear of Speaking to Groups
Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking
The Art of Speechmaking
We start Tuesday with our last quiz in the class and then on Wednesday we move on to presentations for the remainder of the week.
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