D Block Criminology 12 - Today we will take the first twenty-five minutes of class to write our violent crime quiz. After, we'll begin our look at property crimes, where we'll discuss the history of theft and make sense of the differences between occasional and professional thieves. You'll need to answer the following:
What are the differences between a professional and an occasional thief?
What is a "situational inducement"?
What is a "Booster", a "Heel", a "Snitch", a "Fence"?
C Block Geography 12 - Today we will begin looking at biomes and biogeographic realms. Biomes are the major regional groupings of plants and animals discernible at a global scale. The distribution of these biomes is connected to climate, soil, and the physical topography of the earth. Biogeography is the study of the distribution and patterns of plants and animals throughout the biosphere.

Using chapter 20 of your Geosystems textbook, I would like you to describe the adaptations and structure for flora and fauna (plant and animal) in each of the following terrestrial biomes (land based not aquatic): Equatorial & Tropical Rain forest (ETR); Tropical Seasonal Forest and Scrub (TrSF); Tropical Savanna (TrS); Mid latitude Broad leaf & Mixed Forest (MBME); Needle leaf & Montane Forest (NF/MF); Temperate Rain forest (TeR); Mediterranean Shrub land (MSh); Mid latitude Grasslands (MGr); Deserts (DBW & DBC); and Arctic & Alpine Tundra (AAT). At the end of this there are questions 8, 12, 13, & 15 from page 693 to complete as well.

While you work on this I will have the Planet Earth Pole to Pole episode on for you to watch.
B Block Law 12 - Today we'll finish our look at intentional torts. Yesterday we focused on trespass to property and defences to those intentional torts (consent, self-defence, defence of a third party, defence of property) while today we'll look at the last two defences to intentional torts (legal authority, and necessity). Finally, we'll look at defamation of character and strict liability in civil law. This gets us to the end of the torts unit in Law 12 and next week we'll begin our look at family law. For the time left in class you have another opportunity to work on your major project (due in 18 classes...no pressure). For information about the Family Compensation Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 126 click on the link...this will help with cases 2, 4, 6, and 8
A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll begin our look at human-social geography. We will start with population issues and today you'll get a handout on the history of human population. We'll talk about fertility (crude birth rates) and mortality (crude death rates) and the RNI (rate of natural increase). We'll examine population pyramids and the demographic transition model. Estimates are that last October (2011) the population of the world hit the 7 Billion mark. What does that mean for you?
Find out what your population number is at the BBC site here.
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