A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll start with your Cold War unit final. You've had the review and I hope that you come prepared. If you studied I'm certain that you'll do fine. In the time remaining we'll continue our look at population issues on the planet going through the handout I gave you yesterday on the history of human population. We'll talk about fertility (crude birth rates) and mortality (crude death rates) and the RNI (rate of natural increase).
B Block Law 12 - I have the library booked for you to continue work on your civil law project for the term. Yesterday I posted information about the Family Compensation Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 126 which will help with cases 2, 4, 6, and 8. Please use your time wisely as there are nine computer based classes remaining for research and case briefings. I'd like to remind you that you are imagining that you are lawyers and should be using the appropriate language in the context of the legal briefs / responses to potential clients. Go through your notes from the past three weeks and double check to make sure you're using the correct civil law terminology.
C Block Geography 12 - Hey remember that project that was due on Thursday? You know the last project in the class? Yeah you know the one; the one that many of you didn't submit to me? Funny thing is...it was due yesterday right? Please get it in to me today. Thanks. Speaking of today...we are going to look at soil: specifically structure, properties, and formation. We'll understand what a soil profile looks like and discover how colour, texture, and acidity differentiate soils. You'll need to complete questions 1 & 4 from page 620 and 8 & 11 from page 621 in your Geosystems textbook.

US Department of Agriculture - NRCS: What is Soil?
The Physical Environment: an introduction to physical geography - Soil Systems
Canadian Soil Information System
Discovery Education The Dirt on Soil
US Bureau of Land Management Soil Biological Communities for Kids
Soil Net
D Block Criminology 12 - Today we will continue our look at property crime and theft. We'll continue our focus on shoplifting and you'll need to work the following:
You work for the Retail Council of Canada and have been hired to create a poster campaign about shoplifting. The poster campaign has two purposes:
- To help employees identify people who are shoplifting and
- To explain how to reduce shoplifting in stores (target hardening and target removal strategies)
Look at figure 11.2 on page 257 in the Criminology text for help. Here are some further ideas and points.....
the Shoplifter: Unfortunately, there is no typical profile of a
shoplifter. Thieves come in all ages, races and from various
backgrounds. However, there are some signs that should signal a red flag
for retailers. While the following characteristics don't necessarily
mean guilt, retailers should keep a close eye on shoppers who exhibit
the following:
- Spends more time watching the cashier or sales clerk than actually shopping.
- Wears bulky, heavy clothing during warm weather or coats when unnecessary.
- Walks with short or unnatural steps, which may indicate that they are concealing lifted items.
- Takes several items into dressing room and only leaves with one item.
- Seems nervous and possibly picks up random items with no interest.
- Frequently enters store and never makes a purchase.
- Enters dressing room or rest rooms with merchandise and exits with none.
- Large group entering the store at one time, especially juveniles. A member of the group causes a disturbance to distract sales staff.
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