Thursday's schedule is D-C-B-A and Friday's schedule is A-B-C-D
D Block Criminology 12 - On Thursday we will continue our focus on violent crime. I'll give you a few notes on rape and sexual assault in Canada. You'll take down a few notes on what a sexual assault is along with the three levels of sexual assault in Canadian Law. After I'd like you to focus on two questions: one on Groth's typology of rapist and the other on the causes for sexual assault.
1. Explain the three types of rapist according to Groth (anger, power, and sadistic)
2. Identify and explain the causes for sexual assault
You'll need to look at evolutionary and biological factors (remember Sigmund Freud's Thantos and Eros or instinctual drives that allowed species to be successful?). Look at modern male socialization (boys are taught to be aggressive, forceful, tough, and dominating...think about how boys play when they're young) and then at hypermasculinity (where some men have callous sexual attitudes and believe that violence is "manly"). Lastly consider both violent experiences (remember that those boys who were exposed to violence in the household are more likely to commit violent acts when they grow older) and sexual motivation (social, cultural, and psychological forces...think about the messages hidden in Axe body spray commercials).
For more info check out the following sites:
Teen Handbook on Sexual Assault (Sarnia Sexual Assault Survivor's Centre)
The Devastation of Sexual Assault (Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime)
Prevent Sexual Violence: Love Shouldn't Hurt Youth Zone
Alberta Association of Sexual Assault Centres
Consider the message that this commercial sends to people...
Now consider what the commercial indicates about sex in modern society. Who is the commercial targeted at and what are the sexual roles in the commercial. After you talk about this I'd like to share the CBC DocZone Documentary "Sext Up Kids" with you. The documentary exposes how growing up in a hyper-sexualized culture hurts our kids and sends the wrong messages that could potentially lead to sexual assaults. From the CBC site:
From tiny tots strutting bikini-clad bodies in beauty pageants to companies marketing itty-bitty thongs and padded bras to 9-year olds, images of ever-younger sexualized girls have become commonplace. Add to that: ever-younger boys with 24-7 access to hard-core internet porn. It saturates their lives - from skate parks to the school bus – by the time they’re eighteen, 80 percent of boys are watching porn online.
So we'll watch the documentary and use information from it to help with our blog entry next Tuesday.
On Friday we'll watch a Criminal Minds episode called "The Aftermath". The BAU (Behavioural Analysis Unit) investigates a serial rapist who had been attacking young women at religious schools and stopped for six weeks. He has resumed his attacks, but is now targeting a different demographic of women. We'll try to understand what type of sexual assaulter the unsub is and unpack his motives.
C Block Geography 12 - On Thursday we are in the library for day two of research for our severe weather poster project. Remember that there are these things in the library called "books"; you may remember what they look like...there are paper pages with pictures and information on them bound together. Sarcasm aside please remember that you will need to have at least one print (book or magazine) source for your presentation. I have books in my room on severe weather that you might want to look at. The purpose of this project is to learn about severe weather and your topic in depth. Please do not plagiarize work and present it as if it were your own. Show me what you have learned. Today is our last day this week to work on this during class time so don't get lost on youtube watching videos of people getting struck by lightning or hit by hail (no matter how cool that is!) Having said that the Discovery Channel has a great series called Raging Planet (we've watched it in class) with some cool video footage that you could embed in your power point presentation here: Discovery Channel Raging Planet Click here at the Weather Channel to see the before and after photos of the Alabama tornadoes that caused horrific damage last May.
On Friday we'll go to the library to play the Stop Disasters game. The scenario I would like you to work on is the Caribbean Island Hurricane simulation. There is a population of 330 people in your coastal town, but only 180 are currently housed. You will need to develop some housing for the people in the town. You will need to build a hospital, a school, and anchor all the boats in the port. You have a budget of $50,000 to work with and don't forget to develop some defenses to protect people, buildings, and livelihoods. When you click on an object square you will likely get three choices: info, develop, & defences. Read through your options and try to uncover all 15 key facts (which will give you extra points). When you finish keep a track of your highest score (you might get through two games) and respond to this post with things you learned and what your scores were. Have fun playing and learn something.
B Block Law 12 - Thursday we are going to the library to work through the case study project. Please take some time to review invitees, licencees, and tresspassers for occupiers' liability (which is relevant for cases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8). You can talk to each other as long as it’s about your project. You should be searching for information related to your cases and can use this class blogsite entry for information on negligence, the defences to negligence and civil damages (good samaritan this past Tuesday, occupiers liability on Monday, the Liquor control and Licensing Act last Thursday, and damages last Wednesday).
On Friday we'll be in the class watching the documentary Hot Coffee. Seinfeld mocked it. Letterman ranked it in his top ten list. And more than fifteen years later, its infamy continues. Everyone knows the McDonald’s coffee case. It has been routinely cited as an example of how citizens have taken advantage of America’s legal system, but is that a fair rendition of the facts? Hot Coffee reveals what really happened to Stella Liebeck, the Albuquerque woman who spilled coffee on herself and sued McDonald’s, while exploring how and why the case garnered so much media attention, who funded the effort and to what end. After seeing this film, you will decide who really profited from spilling hot coffee.
A Block Social Studies 11 - OK there’s lots of Counterpoints question work and Canada A People’s History video watching for Thursday and Friday so...
Thursday is all about Constitutional Reform and the 1995 Referendum and you'll need to work on Questions 5 and 7a from page 200 in Counterpoints and Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 from page 204 in Counterpoints. While doing this you'll watch the Canada: A Peoples History episodes The Night of the Long Knives” for 1981 constitution and “Honour and Enthusiasm” for Meech Lake and the Charlottetown Accord.
Friday is all about Aboriginal Peoples, Oka, the Nisga’a treaty and Nunavut. You'll need to work on Questions 1a, 2a&b, 4 and 6a from page 21 in Counterpoints. To help with this you'll watch the Canada: A Peoples History episode “Land and Nation”.
This is Mallory... my highest score was 80810.
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