C - Criminology 12 - Today we will spend some time focusing on the implicit violence inherent in cartoons and other forms of entertainment. We'll look at the Violence in Media Entertainment site at the Media Awareness Network to understand more about the problems of unregulated or unsupervised viewing by children of violent entertainment. We'll watch Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, and Daffy Duck today and I want you to seriously consider the implicit messages of the cartoon (like if you insult Bugs what will he do? Most likely he'll declare war upon you and convince Elmer Fudd to shoot you in the face). What would it be like if we just let young children watch the following cartoons without any parental involvement and control?
Cartoon Violence Project
Gender and Comm. Kids Cartoon Violence
Violence Everywhere
Time article on Violence and Cartoons
Now I am not saying that cartoons are the root of violence but I do want you to think about implied messages and desensitization.
B - Social Studies 10 - We'll continue our look at the settlement of Manitoba and the conflict that developed between the European worldview of the Red River settlers and the worldview of the Metis that lived in the area (who depended upon the Buffalo there). I'll show you two Canada: A People's History episodes..."The Selkirk Settlers" and "Seven Oaks". We'll discuss Seven Oaks and look at how the geography of the Red River valley led to conflict between settlers, fur companies, and settlers. You'll need to complete question 8 and 12 from page 99 of the text today.
A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today, we will take a diagram down about the hydrological cycle and a few notes as well. Finally, you'll have a series of questions to complete from page 273 in the Earth Science and the Environment textbook (2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, and 20).

Check out more info on water, rivers, streams and fluvial processes at:
Encyclopedia of the Earth Hydrological Cycle
USGS Water Cycle page
USGS Water education page
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