A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today, you are in the library for your next day to work on your major semester long project. You can find the assignment on the school computers in K:\Mr. A. Young\Earth and Space Science 11\Earth and Space Science Major Project.pdf. Remember that your Second Milestone is May 28th and on that day you will need to submit three completed pages (of which I will choose one to grade). Remember that your topics need to be related to class discussions or subjects covered in the course AND you need to have a research component. May 28th is in three weeks so please make sure that you're on top of this assignment!
B - Social Studies 10 - Today we will be working on a map of exploration in the Canadian west. The fur trade "opened" the Canadian west to European exploration and settlement. You will get a large map of western Canada and you'll need to trace the routes of the explorers on it (Mackenzie in both 1789 & 1793; Fraser; Thompson; Cook; Vancouver; and Hearne). The map will need to a border on the outside with information about each explorer, a time line, pictures, and a title. I will have a copy of the National Geographic map "The Explorers" in the class for you to see as an example. Use the map on page 82 of the textbook as a guide. For the information on the explorers you'll get an organizer worksheet to fill in and I'll give you photocopied pictures of the explorers to glue on to the map.

C - Criminology 12 - Today we'll watch a Criminal Minds episode “The Aftermath". The BAU (Behavioural Analysis Unit) investigates a serial rapist who had been attacking young women at religious schools and stopped for six weeks. He has resumed his attacks, but is now targeting a different demographic of women. Once we're finished the episode I'll give you two articles (from canoe.ca) that we'll read over together, “The Teacher and the Schoolboy” and “The Sexualization of Young Girls”. After I'd like to have a class discussion on what causes people to rape others. Think about the following questions:
- Is there anything society can do to prevent rapes before they occur? What course of action would you recommend?
- Should different types of rape receive different legal sanctions? For example, should someone who rapes a stranger be punished more severely than someone who is convicted of marital rape or date rape? What about a teacher and a student?
- What practices are there in Canada that helps reinforce the notion that is acceptable for men to be sexually aggressive towards women?
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