C - Criminology 12 - Today I'd like you to work on the activities we didn't get to yesterday. So yesterday I asked you to complete the following:
Your work for the class will be to read through the next section in Chapter 3 on "Theories of Victimization" (dealing with Victim Precipitation, Lifestyle, and Routine Activities) - pages 61-64 and explain and compare the three theories (as a silo chart) along with answering questions 2 & 3 on page 72 in the Criminology: The Core text.
I'll give you a few notes on the problems of being crime victims (economic loss, system abuse, long term stress, fear, and antisocial behaviour). and this will be important for your next journal/blog entry on Monday (which will connect with Friday's class this week).
A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today you'll start the class working on a local Plate Tectonics lab that focuses on the Juan de Fuca, Pacific, Gorda, Explorer, and North American Plates. This lab should only take you half an hour to forty minutes to complete and then we'll begin watching the Discovery Channel mocumentary "Supervolcano". (watch the really cool preview here). While the video is on it would be wise for you to claim all of your work from the "out bin" especially considering that you have your unit final tomorrow and the work that you completed is on the test. Please spend some time preparing for your test as it will be your first major mark of term four. Don't forget that on Friday you have to hand in five sections of your major semester long project as your first check point.

B - Social Studies 10 - Today we will be in the library for our last day to work on the First Nations Peoples of Western Canada collaborative poster assignment. You will have no more time in the library for this assignment which is due this Friday. Tomorrow is a shortened day (early dismissal) so please use today to finish word processing your data so that compiling your work with your partners will go quickly.
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