B - Social Studies 10 - Today I'd like you hand in your completed T-Chart activity on the pros and cons of the 72 Resolutions for each colony and questions 6, 9, and 13 from page 57-8. Today I'll have a mapping activity where you'll need to record the stages of Confederation (what each province looked like when they joined) as well as questions on our Federal government structure (questions 14 & 16 page 58). The rest of the class is an opportunity for you to prepare for Tuesday's unit final.

A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today, you are in the library for your fourth day to work on your major semester long project. You can find the assignment on the school computers in K:\Mr. A. Young\Earth and Space Science 11\Earth and Space Science Major Project.pdf. Remember that your First Milestone is April 30th and on that day you will need to submit five completed pages (of which I will choose one to grade). Six topics that you could work on are: minerals, rocks, geologic resources, plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Remember too that these topics need to be related to class discussions or subjects covered in the course. April 30th is two weeks from today so please make sure that you're on top of this assignment!

The Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland is still causing havoc in Europe. Check out the video at MSNBC about why volcanoes and airplanes don't mix. You can also find articles on ash and airplanes at:
National Post Airplanes vs. the Volcano
USGS Volcanic Ash - Danger to Aircraft
My Wonderful World Volcanoes & Airplanes - No Way!
Popular Mechanics Why Volcanic Ash is dangerous to Airplanes
C - Criminology 12 - Today we'll start by wrapping up the first week's work on your perception of crime causes. After I'll have you look at a few "crime theories" and then we'll watch a Criminal Minds episode Elephant's Memory". Your job is to identify the reasons why the unsub (unknown suspect) committed the crime. Look for the profile that the BAU creates in the episode and we'll talk about what a "justice collector" is.
Pau Hana!
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