Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday, March 29. 2010

Today's schedule is B-A-Lunch-D-C

B - Social Studies 10 - Today we'll start the class with a look at the Civil War in the United States. We'll watch two BrainPop! videos (causes of the Civil War and the Civil War) to understand this tragic event in American history. More importantly we will try to understand the impact of the Civil War on British North America. This gets us to the beginning of our unit on Canadian Confederation. There will be no homework throughout this unit and our work will be focused around the creation of an essay explaining the six factors that pushed the colonies into confederation. Today I'll start the introductory paragraph with you.

A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today you'll start work on the "Mapping Mountains, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes" activity. This activity may take today and some of tomorrow's class to complete. You will need to us the two tables on the activity to locate both historical and current earthquake and volcanic activity on a map of the world. You'll need to label six mountain ranges and seven ridge or trench systems. Lastly, I'll ask you to draw all the tectonic plates and label six of them. Lastly there will be some questions on the worksheet to answer.

C - Criminology 12 - Today we will have our penultimate (second to last) journal entry. Last week we looked at property crime and today I'd like you to work on a theft journal entry. I'd like you to find a news story about I mean theft over $5000....I mean huge numbers (think white collar crime, think auto theft, think about burglary and think about professional shoplifting). When you find the story comment on it (what did you learn about it, why did they do it, how can we stop it) and answer me this "Why do we under-punish thieves?"

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