Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday, March 26. 2010

Today's schedule is D-C-Lunch-A-B

C - Criminology 12 - Today I am giving you the block to work on your shoplifting poster. Remember, you work for the Retail Council of Canada and have been hired to create a poster campaign about shoplifting. The poster campaign has two purposes:
  1. To help employees identify people who are shoplifting and
  2. To explain how to reduce shoplifting in stores (target hardening and target removal strategies)
Look at yesterday's blog entry for details on the behaviour of shoplifters and then look at figure 11.2 on page 257 of the Criminology: The Core textbook for details on target hardening and target removal strategies. Also look here: Stop Professional Shoplifting
San Diego Police Department Shoplifting Prevention Tips
San Francisco police stop shoplifting pdf

A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today, you are in the library working on your major semester long project. You can find the assignment on the school computers in K:\Mr. A. Young\Earth and Space Science 11\Earth and Space Science Major Project.pdf. Remember that your First Milestone is April 30th and on that day you will need to submit three completed pages (of which I will choose one to grade). Three topics that you should work on are: minerals, rocks, and geologic resources. Remember too that these topics need to be related to class discussions or subjects covered in the course.

B - Social Studies 10 - Today you have your rebellions unit final. The unit final will take about 40-45 minutes of the class and if you reviewed your work, I'm sure that you will do well. When we're done we will begin looking at the six factors that led to Confederation in 1867. Today we'll discuss the Civil War in the US, Manifest Destiny, and the Alaska Purchase of 1867. Take a look at:
PBS Ken Burns' The Civil War
John L. O'Sullivan on Manifest Destiny in 1839
Manifest Destiny
US-Mexican War Manifest Destiny
Alaska Purchase

Pau Hana!

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