Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Thursday, September 28. 2017

Today's schedule is D-C-B-A

Don't forget that tonight is Meet the Creature Teacher Night. I look forward to seeing as many parents as possible this evening. See you after 6:30 in room 115

D Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll watch the Law & Order: Special Victim's Unit episode "Closure" This episode deals with the short and long-term effects of a sexual assault on a victim.

From "Benson does her best to help a rape victim who is able to describe her attack in perfect detail, yet unable to properly identify her attacker when push comes to shove. When the detectives revisit the case a few months later, they find the woman even less willing to talk about what  happened, as she claims she has moved on."

I want you to think hard during this episode and pay careful attention to what happens with Harper's character as it will form a base for your blog entry on Monday.

C Block Human Geography 11 - Today we'll look at the Key Question: Why Do Migrants Face Obstacles? we'll try to understand temporary-work migrants (include guest workers in Europe and the Middle East and, historically, time-contract workers in Asia) along with illegal and unauthorized immigrants. Our goal is to understand why people who immigrate to a country face challenges when they arrive. Specifically I'm interested in the attitudes of people in host countries to immigrants. We'll try to look at the USA and Mexico and compare it to Europe. I'd also like to look at Canada and see whether it is all sunshine and rainbows or whether there's an underbelly of fear here too.   You'll need to answer the following:

  1. As you read pages 100-103, “Attitudes toward Immigrants learning Outcome 3.4.3 Describe characteristics of immigrants to the United States”, complete the Venn diagram below to compare and contrast attitudes in the U.S. and Europe toward immigrants. 
  2. Americans purchase products made in foreign countries using cheap labor. Is this any different than allowing low-cost labor to immigrate to the United States? How?  Why are employers who knowingly hire undocumented immigrants under less scrutiny than the immigrants themselves?
  3. Why are new migrants to an area frequently the butt of racist or ethnic jokes? Explain in the context of the history of European emigration to the United States. Which groups were more frequently made fun of?

And Europe...

And the USA...

So who supports these anti-Globalization, anti-immigration "Nativist" xenophobic and racist groups?

B Block Geography 12 - Yesterday we looked at earthquakes and the seismic gap concept (focusing on Izmit Turkey in 1999). Today....Oh today we look at Tsunamis and the west coast of North America. We'll watch sections of the Discovery Channel documentary "America's Tsunami: Are we Next?" You will have some questions to work on tonight in your week four package:

Why can tsunamis cause such damage and devastation? What are some characteristics of the wave that factor into how much damage it could cause? How do coastal or shoreline features factor into the extent of damage? What role could a warning system play? How effective would a warning system be for the west coast of Vancouver Island? Why?

You can find more information at:
PBS documentary "The Wave that Shook the World"
PEP Tsunami Preparedness website

From Canadian Geographic...

After shock
The devastation of last year's Boxing Day earthquake and tsunami in Southeast Asia offers vital lessons for the west coast of North America
By Jodi Di Menna and Steven Fick

In the year since a massive earthquake and tsunami rocked the Indian Ocean, the question "What if it happens here?" has gained urgency in western North America. The geology of the Cascadia subduction zone off the Pacific coast is so strikingly similar to that of Sumatra that scientists in British Columbia have used data from last year's disaster to refine models of how a megathrust earthquake — on the order of magnitude 9.0 — would affect the province's coast.
"The Sumatran earthquake was the type closest to what we expect in Cascadia," says John Cassidy, a seismologist at Natural Resources Canada in Sidney, B.C. "We set out to learn as much as we could from what occurred in Sumatra so that we could be better prepared when our big one happens."
Geological deposits and coastal First Nations lore indicate that large earthquakes have hit the West Coast every 200 to 800 years, and since the last one shook the region 305 years ago (the article is 10 years old so it is 315 now), scientists believe Cascadia could be ready to rupture at any time. In fact, in September (2005), Vancouver Island slid to the west about the width of a pencil, an event that occurs every 14 months and increases pressure along the fault line. "This slipping motion means we're one step closer to a big earthquake," says Cassidy.
The Sumatran experience gave scientists an idea of what to expect when it does happen. Using information gathered from that event, Cassidy and his colleagues plotted the same pattern of aftershocks and crustal deformation onto a map of the North American coast .
Predictions by computer models were largely confirmed by the Sumatran events, but in some cases, there were unexpected variations. Shaking was stronger than expected and felt farther inland, and the tsunami flooded higher up on shore and with more variation from place to place than scientists had anticipated.
These insights will eventually make their way into building codes and engineering designs in earthquake- and tsunami-prone areas, but more immediately, the Sumatran disaster has led authorities to adjust their reaction strategies by adding warning systems and by increasing public awareness.
"Educating people to be better prepared is the most important aspect," says Cassidy. "The Boxing Day images were a graphic reminder of what can and likely will happen in the future. The key is to use the information and learn from it."
And from the Vancouver Sun:

Small quakes regularly rattle the west coast, but megathrust quakes are a different beast. Cascadia’s subduction quakes are huge – magnitude 9 or more. The last one stuck Jan. 26, 1700, creating a tsunami that destroyed First Nations villages and swept across the Pacific causing damage in Japan. There is no predicting when the next on will strike. But experts say there is a 12% probability a Cascadia megathrust earthquake will hit in the next 50 years. Because the Pacific Northwest coast is not heavily populated, a Cascadia quake and tsunami is not expected to be as deadly as the Sumatra quake. But it will be a major disaster. Emergency planners in B.C. and the U.S. estimate the number of deaths could exceed 10,000 with another 30,000 people injured. Communities on the west coast of Vancouver Island and the U.S. states will be hit hardest, but aging buildings and infrastructure in Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle and Portland are also at risk of damage and collapse. The economic impacts are expected to be far-reaching with damage from a Cascadia quake and tsunami expected to cost Canada up to $75 billion – almost twice B.C.’s annual provincial budget – and another $70 billion in the U.S.

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