Monday, April 18, 2016

Tuesday, April 19. 2016

Today's schedule is C-AG-D-A-B

C Block Law 12 - Today with Mr. Elliott...the long awaited Law and Order! Season 14 episode 6: Identity. While watching bear in mind the crime of identity theft and the issues surrounding the NCR defense in the case of old age and dementia

D Block Social Studies 10 - Today you have your Early 19th Century History (Rebellions-Confederation) unit final test, if you studied and came prepared I am certain you will find the test a breeze. The test should really only take you no more than an hour to finish but you have as much time in class as you need. Good luck!

A Block Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we are back in the library for our last project of the year...your Fairy Tale Criminal Code Case Study. Remember, you are a court reporter at a criminal trial involving a fairy tale. Your job during the case is to accurately report the case to your readers. Your story will summarize the events leading to the trial (the story), what the person is being charged with, who testified and to what for the Crown, who testified and to what for the defense including what was the basis for their defense, and finally what the judge’s decision was and why.

B Block Social Studies 10 - Today with Mr. Elliott we begin our look at the Metis of the Canadian west especially in the Red River area. We will take a quick look at the Poster assignment which is due Monday the 25th. Following that we will discuss the background to the Battle of Seven Oaks and the pressures that faced prairie peoples as European settlement began in a serious way.

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