Monday, March 23, 2015

Tuesday, March 24. 2015

Today's schedule is C-AG-D-A-B

C Block Geography 12 - The due date for the Orting project was yesterday. Thank you to the seventeen of you who handed your work in to me on time and on budget; if you have it done please hand it in to me. Today we are watching one of the worst disaster movies of all time...Dante's Peak (oh Bond...James Bond I mean Dalton...Harry Dalton of the USGS Cascade Volcano Observatory you dedicated vulcanologist yet tortured soul).

You will have a series of questions to answer about the volcanology in the movie. Believe it or not there are actually some good things about the movie. I'm a big fan of the lahars and the pyroclastic flow is a fairly decent recreation. What I really want is a truck that can drive over top and through a lava flow like the US Forest Service truck in the movie...That would be sweet! Seriously though there are too many errors in science to count but you'll need to try to identify a few. We'll finish the movie Friday...and you have a test tomorrow.

D Block Criminology 12 - OK so we know where violence comes from. We know what homicide is, the divisions of murder and why people do it. We understand what sexual assault is, the typology of assault and the motives for doing it. Today I'll finish up the violence section with you by looking at abuse, domestic assault and terrorism. You'll have a unit quiz Thursday after we begin property crime. You need to hand in your work from last week to me (typology of rapist and identify and explain the motives for sexual assault). For terrorism consider the following:

By design, terrorist attacks are intended to have a psychological impact far outweighing the physical damage the attack causes. As their name suggests, they are meant to cause terror that amplifies the actual attack. A target population responding to a terrorist attack with panic and hysteria allows the perpetrators to obtain a maximum return on their physical effort. One way to mitigate the psychological impact of terrorism is to remove the mystique and hype associated with it. The first step in this demystification is recognizing that terrorism is a tactic used by a variety of actors and that it will not go away. Terrorism and, more broadly, violence are and will remain part of the human condition. The Chinese, for example, did not build the Great Wall to attract tourists, but to keep out marauding hordes. Fortunately, today's terrorists are far less dangerous to society than the Mongols were to Ming China.

For more on this read Keeping Terrorism in Perspective at Stratfor and :

Terrorism Watch and Warning
DHS Preventing Terrorism
Global Terrorism Database
FBI Terrorism
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Terrorism
National Counterterrorism Center

B Block Social Studies 11 - "Your WWI final projects (zines) are due today at the beginning of class. If you do not have a zine to hand in at the beginning of class, and have not otherwise talked to me, you will be writing a quiz with Mr. Young. You must have your zines in by Friday at the latest in order for them to be marked."

Today we'll begin looking at the 1920's in Canada. You will begin Part 1 of your 1920's activity (Part 2 will be in the library on Thursday and Friday).
After choosing a partner, you will need to fill out your "Decade on a Page" organizer. You will need to define events and people - and say why they are important to Canada - based on the following four themes:
  • Arts, Culture, & Leisure
  • Government, International Autonomy, & Political Parties
  • Industry, Jobs, & Wealth (Economy)
  • Society (race, gender, social class), Urbanization, & Values
You will be able to find most of the information in Chapter 3 (pigs 48-72) of your Counterpoints textbook, and you will be able to use your phones to look up concepts on the internet. 
This activity is due on Wednesday by the end of class (we will spend a bit more time on it if we need to).
Looking ahead, for Part 2 of our 1920's activity, you will be making 5 "flash cards" of 5 Canadian personalities from the 1920's. You'll choose 5 people from the list below and identify their accomplishments. The front half should have a picture of them along with their name, and the back of the card should list out who they were, what they did, and why they were important.
J.S. Woodsworth
Lionel Conacher
William Lyon Mackenzie King
Bobbie Rosenfeld
Agnes McPhail
Joe Capilano
Emily Murphy
Wilfred “Wop” May
Mary Pickford
Edward “Ted” Rogers
Emily Carr
Archie Belaney “Grey Owl”
Tom Thompson
A.Y. Jackson
Frederick Banting
Fay Wray
Armand Bombardier
Robert Nathaniel Dett

I'll have a publisher template lined up for you to use in the library.

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