Monday, November 18, 2013

Tuesday, November 19. 2013

Today's schedule is C-AG-D-A-B

C Block Crime, Media and Society 12 - Today we'll start by finishing the presentations from Friday. After we'll look through the handout on media consumption that I gave you on Friday and there are some questions you'll ne3ed to answer in it. Don't forget that I want you to track your consumption of media for one day. Today we'll estimate how much time of the day you think you consume and interact with media. We'll look at this Kaiser Family Foundation study from 2010 and it will give us a good idea about amounts of media consumed among children and teens. The Infographic that I posted on the blog last week came from MBAOnline posted at Socialmouth and is a good visual of generational differences for media consumption throughout the day. So for the end of each hour that you are awake for one day I'd like you to write down what media format you interacted with for that previous hour and guestimate how much time you interacted with it. I know that you are a generation of multitaskers (and that you are interacting with this blog right now) so try to be as honest as you can about what you consume/interact with.

Remember the types of Mass Media include: Print media encompasses mass communication through printed material. It includes newspapers, magazines, booklets and brochures, house magazines, periodicals or newsletters, direct mailers, handbills or flyers, billboards, press releases, and books. Electronic media is the kind of media which requires the user to utilize an electric connection to access it. It is also known as 'Broadcast Media'. It includes television, radio, and new-age media like Internet, computers, telephones, etc. With the advent of Internet, we are now enjoying the benefits of high technology mass media, which is not only faster than the old school mass media, but also has a widespread range. Mobile phones, computers, and Internet are often referred to as the new-age media. Internet has opened up several new opportunities for mass communication which include e-mail, websites, podcasts, e-forums, e-books, blogging, Internet TV, and many others which are booming today. Internet has also started social networking sites which have redefined mass communication all together. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have made communication to the masses all the more entertaining, interesting, and easier.

D Block Law 12 - Today we'll look at the advantages of trial by jury and understand the methods and challenges to jury selection. After we'll focus on the presentation of evidence (Crown first then Defence), the rules of evidence (including voire dire), and types of evidence (circumstantial, hearsay, privileged, and character). I'll have you work on questions 1, 2 and 4 from page 200 as well as questions 1, 2 and 3 from page 207 of the All About Law text. For more on juries in BC check out Justice BC - What is Jury Duty?

A Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll start by looking at the work from yesterday - the difference between deviance and criminal behaviour (acts that are criminal but not deviant and deviant but not criminal). I'll have you share your ideas together as a class and then give you some time to choose one and decide whether we should "criminalize" or "decriminalize" that behaviour. After a bit, you can hand in your work on deviance and criminality and then we'll look at the three perspectives of how criminologists view crime:

Consensus = the belief that the majority of citizens in society share common values and agree on what behaviours should be defined as criminal.
Conflict = the belief that criminal behaviour is defined by those in a position of power to protect and advance their own self-interest.
Interactionist = the belief that those with social power are able to impose their values on society as a whole, and these values then define criminal behaviour.

Once this is done we'll turn our focus to the history of crime and law (looking at Hammurabi, the Mosaic Code and the development of Common Law in England). We'll learn what Actus Reus, Mens Rea, Mala in Se and Mala Prohibitum mean along with taking a look at the differences between Indictable, Summary Conviction and Absolute Liability Offences. We'll see what defences you can use and what the goals of criminal law are for society. Tomorrow we'll discuss crime trends and how we tabulate crime statistics (UCR, PRVS, Self-Reports).

B Block Social Studies 10 - we will continue with our look at Miles McDonnell and the Selkirk grant, the Pemmican Proclimation, Cuthbert Grant, Robert Semple and the battle of Seven Oaks. Yesterday I asked you to complete some work out of the text and today you have time to finish it; the questions were 1 & 2 on page 142. Today I'll need you to work through questions 1-4 on page 149. After a bit, we'll look at the Red River from 1820 - 1870 (just before the rise of Riel and the National Metis Committee).

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