Thursday, January 10, 2013

Friday, January 11. 2013

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

A Block Law 12 - Today I have the library booked for you to continue your work on the major civil law project that is due in just over two weeks. Including today there are nine classes remaining until your final exam and eleven classes left until your project is due.

B Block Geography 12 - Today we shift our focus to look at ecosystem components. We'll identify what an ecosystem is (along with its abiotic and biotic components) and understand what a community is. We'll see what Tim and Moby have to tell us about ecosystems and then you'll need to work on questions 1, 4, 6, and 8 from page 661 of your Geosystems textbook. For help on ecosystems check out:
"The Concept of the Ecosystem"
Ecosystem Fundamentals
Ecological Systems
Living Things: Habitats & Ecosystems

C Block Crime, Media & Society 12 - To start the class we'll take a few minutes to finish the Deadly Women episode on Eileen Wuornos that we started yesterday. After we'll look at an episode of Lie to Me from Season 1 (Moral Waiver). In the episode, Cal and Ria investigate the case of a female soldier who claims to be the victim of sexual assault by her commanding officer. At the same time, Gillian and Eli work on the case of a college basketball player who is accused of accepting a bribe from his university

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today I'd like you to watch a brilliant commercial about access to fresh water from World Vision

FYI: World Vision is a non-profit organization (however it is denominational - Christian) that works in three areas for the developing world: disaster management, development assistance and advocacy (human rights, economic justice and peace).

Today we'll take a look at the Human Development Index which focuses on health, poverty and hunger, education, and environmental issues in countries around the world. Don't forget a good resource is the UNDP HDI Report. We'll take a few notes down on HIPC's (Highly Indebted Poor Countries) and the cycle of poverty looking at two power points about material wealth and food (based on photography from Peter Menzel). Later we will make a connection between the social problems (gender, health, children, etc.) in HIPC's with economic development. We will examine traditional economies which are based in primary industries and subsistence farming and compare those with developing and developed economies.

There is an excellent news story on the CNN Freedom Project called Chocolate's Child Slaves.

From the CNN site: It may be unthinkable that the chocolate we enjoy could come from the hands of children working as slaves. In the Ivory Coast and other cocoa-producing countries, there are an estimated 100,000 children working the fields, many against their will, to create the chocolate delicacies enjoyed around the world.

This story is a good example of the social problems associated with development and the reliance upon monoculture for economies in developing countries. More on this Monday.

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