Sunday, October 14, 2012

Monday, October 15. 2012

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

A Block Law 12 - Today with Ms. Curry you'll be back in the library working on your fairy tale briefs this morning. You could check out National Geographic for some Grimm fairy tales or here for some other ones. The creepier, the better!

Here's yesterday's example of the Three Little Pigs: R. v. The Big Bad Wolf.

B Block Geography 12 - Today is your Tectonics Unit Final Test. I hope you come prepared and if you did study (you did have an extra day yesterday) then I'm sure you'll do fine. You'll need the entire block for the test. Good Luck!

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we are off to the library for our next blog assignment and I'd like you to tell me about auto theft. I'd like you to look up information on why people steal cars, where in Canada most cars are stolen from, what types of vehicles are most commonly stolen and I'd like you to tell me how much auto theft is actually happening in Canada (rates). Then I'd like you to tell me methods of protection (how to stop your car from being stolen). The Kanetix website below lists the top vehicles stolen in Canada and check out this article on the Macleans website for the article on the top 100 cities for auto theft in Canada.
Crime Stoppers Bait Car website
Auto Theft Canada Auto theft in Canada

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms.'ll go over Canada's changing identity. You did some work last week on these battles, and we will go over a few more details. We'll talk about various war technologies (tanks, airplanes, u-boats, poisonous gases...) and the types of fighting (battle of attrition and total war). I will show you a short clip from Canada: A People's History on Vimy Ridge, and we will discuss why Vimy Ridge is so important to Canada.

The chronological order of the battles that the CEF played a major part in are: Ypres, Somme, Vimy Ridge and Passchendaele.

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