Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wednesday, June 13. 2012

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B Block Law 12 - Today I have the notebooks for you to finish up your work on the major civil law project. Not to sound pushy but you have today and Friday to work on this assignment in class and that's it...like no more...really...I'm serious, you have no more time in class to get this done and it's a major project...and you've had all term to work on it...no pressure. If you are done then I'd like you to begin your preparations for the final exam (Wednesday and Thursday next week). I'll help you with your preparations tomorrow.

A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll watch the National Geographic DVD “Six Degrees Could Change the World”. This DVD shows the potential environmental changes (not the actual ones) that may happen with incremental degrees of climate change. After the cheeseburger carbon footprint section I'll have you answer the following on a piece of paper:

  1. What is a carbon footprint?
  2. Who will be affected by the increasing size of our carbon footprint?
  3. How does the cheeseburger study highlight ways in which you could reduce your carbon footprint - and not just by stopping eating cheeseburgers!
After the European heat wave section could you answer the following:

  1. What happened? – What is a heat wave? How long does it have to last and how hot does it need to be?
  2. When did it happen? – You should be able to quote the month and the year.
  3. Where did it happen? – The case study discusses the ‘European Heat Wave’ but which city does it focus upon?
  4. Why did it happen? – The heat wave caused the deaths of many people. What human systems caused the death rate to be so high?
  5. Who was affected by it happening? – The impacts of the heat wave were particularly harsh upon one section of the population? Which section of the population was it? You should also be able to explain why.
This should take the bulk of the class to complete. We'll end at four degrees and I’ll finish it with you when I get back. If there’s time left please work on your information graphic poster on a resource or prepare for your final exam next Thursday. For more on the Six Degrees DVD check out the National Geographic interactive website here.

D Block Criminology 12 - Today we will be working on social order crime questions from Chapter 13 in the textbook. Use the text to help answer the following:
  1. Should drugs be legalized? Why? If you believe drugs should be legalized, think about whether all drugs should be legalized or just a select few. Why should certain drugs be legalized and others not?
  2. Should prostitution be legalized? Why? If you believe it should be legalized, should all the forms of prostitution described in your text be legalized, or only a select few? If prostitution were legalized should government be able to exercise some control over it
  3. Does pornography lead to violence? Why? Is it harmful? Why Consider all forms of pornography (what is currently legal and illegal) when you answer this question
  4. What control strategy or combination of strategies would you use to combat drugs here at Vanier? Pretend that you are designing a five point strategy to reduce drug use at Vanier and that this five point plan will be given to the administration at the school. What would you suggest and why would you suggest it?
C Block Geography 12 - Today you'll need to complete your case study on Ecuador. I have given you the information you can use on pages 5 and 6 of your week eighteen package. Remember the question states - Using the data provided on the next two pages and your understanding of geography:
  1. Describe Ecuador's natural and physical characteristics
  2. Assess the impacts associated with the exploitation of Ecuador's natural resources
  3. Suggest reasons why the government of Ecuador faces significant challenges in trying to balance the use of its natural resources with the protection of its environment
You will need to answer this case study in a multi-paragraph format (hint five paragraph essay).

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